Girl standing on the hood of a Pontiac
An unidentified African American man crouches down in front of a parked Pontiac sedan, likely 1949 or 1950. A young African American girl stands on the hood looking down at the man. The car has...
Golf course
An unidentified African American woman and man unload their clubs at the entrance to the golf course.
Golfer exits a golf cart
An unidentified African American man sits sideways in a golf cart in order to get out. The golf course is behind him.
Golfer in a red jacket
An unidentified African American male golfer in a red jacket stands between a tall chain-link fence and a golf cart with a golf glove on. Another man is sits in the background.
Golfer is loaded up and ready to go
An unidentified African American male golfer stands with his clubs by a golf cart that is loaded up and ready to go. A line of parked golf carts are behind him. The support pole for the roof canvas of...
Golfer stands by the clubs and carts
An unidentified African American golfer stands next to golf clubs with a line of golf carts parked behind him.
An unidentified African American man in graduation mortar board, tassel, hood, and robe.
Graduate celebrating
An unidentified African American man smiles as he takes a large step forward in his cap and gown in celebration while others look on probably in front of Western Baptist Seminary, 2119 Tracy Avenue in...
Graduate looking seriously at the photographer
An unidentified African American man in a graduation gown looks seriously at the photographer at probably Western Baptist Seminary, 2119 Tracy Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri. Two men have their backs...
Graduate standing on the lawn
An unidentified African American man wearing eyeglasses and in a cap and gown on graduation day, probably Western Baptist Seminary, 2119 Tracy Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri, stands on the lawn and...
Graduate standing on the lawn
An unidentified African American man in cap and gown on graduation day, probably Western Baptist Seminary, 2119 Tracy Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri, stands on the lawn and looks directly at the...
Graduate standing on the sidewalk
An unidentified African American man smiles as he wears a cap and gown for graduation day, probably at Western Baptist Seminary, 2119 Tracy Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri. He stands on the sidewalk...
Graduates proceeding to the ceremony
A single-file procession of African American students in graduation caps and gowns walk down a sidewalk in front of a brick building with a stone base probably the Western Baptist Seminary, 2119 Tracy...
Graduates proceeding to the ceremony
A procession of African American students in graduation caps and gowns walk down a sidewalk in front of a brick building with a stone base probably the Western Baptist Seminary, 2119 Tracy Avenue in...
Graduating class
A graduating class of 21 African American women and two African American men standing the steps of, likely, the school. Most wear graduation mortar boards, tassels, and robes. Printed at the bottom of...
Graduation ceremony processional
A single-file procession of African American students in graduation caps and gowns walk down a sidewalk with other men and women in suits in front of a brick building with a stone base probably the...
Group by cars parked under the trees
A smiling group of four unidentified African American women, two African American men and a girl in front of three cars parked under the trees. Two women flank a man between the left car and the...
Group gathered around John Wright, Josephine Wright, and Mary Virginia Jacobs
John Wright (seated far left), with a small African American boy on his lap, Mary Virginia Jacobs (seated middle) between two African American girls, and Josephine Wright (seated far right), on a...
Group laughing together on the rocks by the water
An unidentified African American man wearing a two-piece swimsuit squats in front of an unidentified group of four African American women and one African American man who stand behind him on the rock...
Group of men laugh as they gather outside
A group of unidentified African American men sit and laugh as they attend an outdoor gathering . Other men are standing around talking. A golf cart is parked on the right side of the photograph.
Group of people talking and looking at books
A group of people consisting of five white women and one white man shaking the hand of an African American man. Two of the women are speaking together on the left. The other women are facing away from...
Group of Western Seminary staff
An unidentified African American co-ed group photograph, possibly faculty or staff of the Western Baptist Seminary, 2119 Tracy Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri, stand on the steps between two columns...
Group posing for a photograph
A group photograph of unidentified African American women, children and an African American man posing outdoors among trees, mostly seated, on their knees or standing.
Group riding in a car
An unidentified group in an open car, including a African American woman (driving), and an African American man and children. A young girl sits in the passenger seat. And in the backseat, a likely...
Group sits at a table laughing
Several unidentified African American men and women laugh while sitting around a table in a wood paneled room. One man stands on the right side of the photograph.