Anglin and Bailey stand in front of a weaving of John F. Kennedy
Two African American soldiers, Anglin and Bailey, stand in front of a woven image of John F. Kennedy sitting behind a microphone, in front of the White House, and beside the flag of the United States...
Army soldiers measure up in ranks
African American Army men hold out their left arms to touch the right shoulder of the man next to them, and look to their right to measure their distance from one another in ranks. They are in front...
Army soldiers outside the barracks
A candid photo of an African American Army soldier on a bike smiling at the photographer over his right shoulder outside barracks. Another soldier is walking behind a pick-up truck toward the barracks...
Army soldiers stand at attention for the raising of the flag
African American soldiers stand at attention in ranks for the raising of the flag by two soldiers standing by a large flagpole. An MP soldier on the right side of the photograph has his back to the...
Award being given
Two African American soldiers shake hands at a table as one hands the other a trophy. The soldier handing the trophy over has a shoulder patch from the 5th Army - A5 patch. Several bottles of soft...
Bob Hogan
Photo of Bob Hogan, standing in military uniform, from his right side, holding a stationary rifle up to is eye as he is playing a rifle game in Atlantic City. Arcade games surround him all over the...
Cool Cat
Staff Sergeant Harry L. Smith, from his right side, smiles as he stands on the street and looks over his right shoulder at the photographer. Handwritten above and below the photograph on the backing,...
Couple standing in front of a screened-in porch
An African American couple, a soldier and a woman, stand outside of a house with a screened-in porch.
Couple standing outside of a stucco home
An African American soldier and an unidentified African American woman stand outside a stucco home next to a two-tone car.
Eighteen solders and a dog
Eighteen African American soldiers wearing fatigues (one is wearing a chef's uniform) stand or squat outside of barracks with a small dog. C920 is above the barracks door.
Exchanging rings at a wedding
Rings are being exchange between a soldier and a woman in a wedding dress and veil. The minister is also in uniform. The maid of honor wears a floral dress and a flower in her hair. The windows of the...
An African American soldier kneels on one knee in front of a building, possibly the barracks, posing for a photo. Handwritten on the front, "To a Buddy -- Keenheel--".
Officer standing in the open door of a car
An African American military officer stands inside the open passenger side door of a car wearing his uniform and sunglasses. A forest is behind him.
Portrait of a soldier
Profile studio photograph of a soldier named "Milton". Handwritten on the front, "Souvenir. Milton 12-31-44."
Smiling soldier
An Army soldier looks to his right and smiles as he stands at ease outside of a barracks.
Portrait of an unidentified African American soldier in a uniform with the necktie tucked into the button placard of his shirt, jodhpurs, knee-high boots, and a campaign hat.
Soldier in a photo booth photograph
Wallet-sized head shot photo of a smiling Army solder wearing the envelope style cap in front of an open window backdrop. Possibly a photo booth photograph.
Soldier in Kansas City
A studio portrait of an unidentified African American soldier in full dress uniform.
Soldier leaning on a counter
An unidentified African American soldier leans on a counter holding his jacket. His eyes are only half open.
Soldier sitting in a jeep
An African American soldier sits behind the wheel of a military Jeep in front of the barracks.
Soldier smiles as he's photographed in his uniform
An unidentified African American soldier stands in the yard in his uniform and has a proud smile.
Soldier standing between saguaro cacti
An unidentified African American soldier smiles as he stands between two saguaro cacti.
Soldier standing in front of a palm tree
An unidentified African American soldier stands in front of a palm tree. He has goggles resting on the top of his helmet.