KC Brass & Electric
KC Brass & Electric, is a blues and jazz band comprised of six white men, five of whom stand in a half-circle around one seated band member. One band member on the left blows on a cornet into the...
KC Brass & Electric
KC Brass & Electric, a blues and jazz band comprised of five white men, stand on a sidewalk and lean or stand by a brick wall. The man on the left, Neil Noldan, holds an alto saxophone. The man second...
KC Brass & Electric
KC Brass & Electric, a blues and jazz band comprised of six white men, stand on a sidewalk and lean or stand by a brick wall. The man on the left is Neil Noldan. Printed in the margin below the...
KC Brass & Electric
KC Brass & Electric, a blues and jazz band comprised of five white men, stand on a sidewalk and lean or stand by a brick wall. The man on the left, Neil Noldan, holds an alto saxophone. The man second...