Baby Jason and the Spankers
Baby Jason and the Spankers, a blues-rock band comprised of three white men, stand outside by three brick walls wearing suits. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "B.J.A.T.S., P.O. Box 81294...
Baby Jason and the Spankers
Baby Jason and the Spankers, a blues-rock band comprised of four white men, stand outside in jeans and jackets. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "for correspondence:
Baker-McClaren Band
Baker-McClaren Band, a blues-rock band comprised of five white men, gather in a group with one man's arms around the shoulders of the two in front. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Baker...
Beat Daddys
The Beat Daddys, a Southern rock and blues band comprised of four white men, lean on a beat up car. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "The Beat Daddys [logo], The Beat Daddys. www.beatdaddys...
Big Wooden Radio
Big Wooden Radio, a blues-rock band comprised of five white men, stand and sit in the snow in front of a door holding their instruments in their cases. All of the men are bundled up in coast and hats...
The Bluerunners, a Cajun rock, blues, and funk band comprised of four white men, stand in front of a metal wall. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "L to R: Rob Savoy, Steven Le Blanc, John...
C.C. Adcock
Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist C.C. Adcock sits behind the steering wheel of a vintage car and looks to his right to the backseat to smile at the photographer. He wears a dark cowboy hat with a...
C.C. Adcock
Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist C.C. Adcock photographed in profile from his left with a building sign to the left of his face that reads, "Evang-line." He has chest-length hair. Printed in the...
Chris Robinson
Blues-rock musician Chris Robinson stands with his fingers threaded and gives a slight smile to the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Chris Robinson. Media Contact, Vandenberg...
Dave Alvin
Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Dave Alvin sits and holds an electric guitar by the neck with the body resting on his thigh and the neck by his face. He peeks at the camera to the side of the guitar...
Derek Trucks
Blues and rock guitarist Derek Trucks, who formed the Derek Trucks Band, sits in front of a barn wall playing a resonator guitar as he looks off to the left. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Derek Trucks Band
The Derek Trucks Band, a rock and blues band comprised of three white men and one African American man, stand together and smile at the camera. Derek Truck stands second from the right. Printed in the...
The Dusters, a blues-rock band comprised of three white men, sit and lean on traveling cases. One farthest to the left allows an electric guitar to hang from a shoulder strap. Another electric guitar...
Eric Sardinas
Blues-rock slide guitarist Eric Sardinas looks out from under the brim of his hat with only his right eye in a close-up, head-shot photograph. He wears a cowboy hat with a snake head hatband. Printed...
Fast Johnny Ricker
Blues-rock slide guitarist and vocalist Fast Johnny Ricker leans slightly to the left as he smiles and plays an electric guitar. He wears a tuxedo jacket and shirt. Printed in the left margin of the...
Forbidden Pigs
Forbidden Pigs, a blues-rock band comprised of three white men, stand holding their instruments of a snare drum, an accordion, and a string bass. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Swingin'...
Jason Ricci
Blues-rock harmonica player Jason Ricci closes his eyes and leans left as he blows into an amplified harmonica. He wears a derby hat. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Jason Ricci and New...
Jeff Scheetz Band
Jeff Scheetz Band, a blues and rock band comprised of four white men, stand outside with woods behind them. One band member holds an electric guitar. The band member next to him wears a Blues hockey...
John Fogerty and Duke Tumatoe
John Fogerty, blues and rock guitarist and singer, stands next to a sound board in a studio that Duke Tumatoe, blues guitarist and singer, sits at. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "John...
Johnny Winter
Blues and Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Johnny Winter laughs as he stands and plays an Erlewine Lazer guitar. He wears a dark cowboy hat with feather and snake skull hatband and dark leather suit...
Johnny Winter
Blues and Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Johnny Winter looks down at an electric Lazer guitar he is playing with the stage lights behind him. He wears a cowboy hat that obscures his face, no shirt...
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, a blues-rock band comprised of three white men, stand together and look seriously at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "the jon spencer blues...
Jonny Lang
Jonny Lang, blues, gospel, and rock guitarist and vocalist, closes his eyes as he sings into a microphone he holds in his left hand. A guitar, mostly out of the picture, hangs from a strap around his...
Kelly Richey
Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Kelly Richey looks forward in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "The Kelly Richey Band. Sweet Lucy Records [logo]."...
Kenny Wayne Shepherd
Blues and rock guitarist and vocalist Kenny Wayne Shepherd looks directly at the camera as he hugs an electric guitar to his body. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Kenny Wayne Shepherd...