Roy Rogers
Roy Rogers, electric blues slide guitarist, holds the lapels of his coat with both hands and tucks his chin toward the coat collar. He looks up from under the brim of a dark fedora hat he is wearing...
Roy Rogers
Electric blues slide guitarist Roy Rogers stands on a porch with a weathered wood wall behind him and smiles down to his left. He rests his hands on the body of a resonator guitar that hangs by a...
Rusty Zinn
Rock guitarist and vocalist Rusty Zinn pulls up on an electric jazz guitar he is playing and smiles. He wears a light-colored business suit jacket with wide lapels over a dark shirt. Printed in the...
Rusty Zinn
Rock guitarist and vocalist Rusty Zinn holds his left hand over a vintage microphone and curls his fingers over the top as he smiles and holds the neck of an electric jazz guitar with his right hand...
Ruthie Foster and Cyd Cassone
Blues guitarist and vocalist Ruthie Foster (left), in a split photograph, sits on a suitcase on railroad tracks and plays an acoustic guitar. In the photograph on the left, Ruthie is joined by hand...
Saffire - The Uppity Blues Women
Saffire -- The Uppity Blues Women, a blues band comprised of one African American woman and two white women, laugh as they hold their instruments; a guitar, a double bass, and a keyboard. Printed in...
Saffire - The Uppity Blues Women
Saffire -- The Uppity Blues Women is a blues band comprised of two white women and one African American woman. Two of the women are seated; one holding a mandolin; one holding a guitar; and the third...
Sally Taylor
Rock vocalist and guitarist Sally Taylor crouches by a dirt road with desert hills on the other side. She holds a piece of straw in her mouth. She wears a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, and a light colored...
Sally Taylor
Rock vocalist and guitarist Sally Taylor, photographed from her left side, leans back on a rock ledge and smile with golden sunlight on her. She crosses her hands and rests them on her knees. Printed...
Sam Cockrell
R&B guitarist Sam Cockrell sways as he plays an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Sam Cockrell. Chicago's Premier Rhythm and Blues Artist. Boom Boom Records (773) 543-0468...
Sam Myers and Anson Funderburgh
Blues harmonica player and vocalist Sam Myers stands on the edge of the stage wearing a business suit and singing into a microphone as he holds a harmonica with both hands, and blues guitarist Anson...
Sam Myers and Anson Funderburgh
Blues vocalist Sam Myers sits in front of guitarist Anson Funderburgh. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Anson Funderburgh & Sam Myers. Booking: Piedmont Talent, Steve Hecht, 311 Oakdale...
Sam Myers and Anson Funderburgh
Blues vocalist Sam Myers sits in front of guitarist Anson Funderburgh. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Anson Funderburgh & the Rockets Featuring Sam Myers. Booking: Piedmont Talent, Steve...
Sauce Boss
Blues guitarist, vocalist, and chef Sauce Boss, laughs as he hands a bowl of food into a man's hand. He wears a chef's hat and stands by a large pot. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Sauce...
Scarlet Runner
Scarlet Runner, a blues-rock band comprised of Jason Christensen, Jack Christensen, and Jeremy Ackley, stand outside in front of a house laughing. The band member in the center is smoking. The one on...
Scott Holt
Scott Holt, blues guitarist, smiles at the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Blue Storm Music. Scott Holt." Printed in the right margin, "Photo...
Scott Kempner
Rock guitarist Scott Kempner closes his eyes and leans on a wall as he stands on a fire escape and plays an electric guitar. Photo taken from his right side. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Scotty Lee
Guitarist Scotty Lee stands hugging an electric guitar with a slight smile. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Scotty Lee. The Shannon Music Group Inc. United Artists Tower, 50 Music Square...
Sean Chambers
Guitarist Sean Chambers stands between two unidentified white men in front of a wall with graffiti painted that states in part, "Olor, Sierra Baron, Briail Kieth, Mala Power, Live Fast Die Fast, Ritz...
Sean Chambers
Guitarist Sean Chambers wears a large print shirt as he please an electric guitar and looks intensely at the photographer. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Back Door Management, 236 West...
Sean Costello
Blues guitarist Sean Costello sits on concrete steps by a brick wall and looks up as he plays an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Landslide [logo], www.landsliderecords...
Sean Costello and the Counts of Rhythm
Sean Costello and the Counts of Rhythm is a blues ensemble comprised of three white men and one African American man. Standing in the back is a harmonica player, a drummer, and a stand-up bass player...
Seth Walker
Seth Walker, blues guitarist, bends slightly forward over a blues guitar and smiles at the camera. He wears a business suit. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Seth Walker."
Shannon Curfman
Blues guitarist and vocalist Shannon Curfman sits on a rock bench playing a guitar with a brick wall behind her with an eye painted on it. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Shannon Curfman...
Shannon Curfman
Blues guitarist and vocalist Shannon Curfman leans out the passenger side window of a car and looks seriously at the camera while wearing a dark straw cowboy hat. Printed in the margin below the...