Louisiana Red
Louisiana Red, blues guitarist, harmonica player, and singer, rests one elbow on his bent knee and the other elbow on the bottom of the body an acoustic guitar that is neck down toward the floor. He...
Louisiana Red
Louisiana Red, blues guitarist, harmonica player, and singer, leans on his left hand as his elbow rests on a table and holds an acoustic guitar by the neck by his right shoulder. He wears sunglasses.
Luther 'Houserocker' Johnson
Luther 'Houserocker' Johnson, blues guitarist and singer, sings into a microphone with his eyes closed and plays an electric guitar. Another band member is on the left side of the photograph and...
Luther 'Houserocker' Johnson
Blues guitarist and vocalist Luther 'Houserocker' Johnson closes his eyes as he sings into a microphone and plays an electric guitar. He wears a three-piece suit and a straw hat. Printed in the margin...
Luther Guitar Jr. Johnson
Blues guitarist and vocalist Luther Guitar Jr. Johnson closes his eyes as he plays a guitar on stage with an unidentified band of four white men at the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri. A sign...
Madcat and Kane
Madcat and Kane, a blues duo comprised of harmonica player Peter 'Madcat' Ruth, and guitarist Shari Kane. Madcat is laughing as he stands with his hands in his pockets as Kane leans her back on his...
Madeleine Peyroux
Madeleine Peyroux, jazz guitarist and singer, smiles to the left as she plays an acoustic guitar that rests on her lap. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "madeleine peyroux. Atlantic [logo]...
Magic Slim
Blues guitarist and singer Magic Slim sings into a microphone as he plays a Fender Jazzmaster electric guitar. He wears a light colored straw hat with a feather hatband. Printed in the margin below...
Magic Slim
Blues guitarist and singer Magic Slim plays an electric guitar as he stands wearing a dark fedora. A brim of a dark fedora hat is visible. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Photo: Stephen...
Magic Slim
Blues guitarist and singer Magic Slim places his fingers on the neck of a guitar in a close-up, head-shot photograph. A brim of a dark fedora hat is visible. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Magic Slim performing
Magic Slim, blues guitarist and singer, looks down at the neck of an electric guitar he is playing. He wears a straw cowboy hat with a feather hat band and a denim vest over a printed t-shirt.
Majek Fashek
Nigerian reggae vocalist and guitarist Majek Fashek lifts his chin to sing and play guitar behind a microphone. He wears a vest with no shirt. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Majek Fashek...
Mark Selby
Blues and rock guitarist and vocalist Mark Selby laughs as he looks down at the ground holding an electric guitar under his right arm. A blurred gas station is in the background. Printed in the margin...
Martin Zellar
Martin Zellar, alternative rock guitarist and singer, looks down at the neck of an acoustic guitar he is playing as he sits behind a microphone. He wears a quilted vest over a short-sleeved t-shirt...
Mason Ruffner
Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Mason Ruffner looks out as he plays an electric guitar on stage. He stands behind a microphone. He wears a print jacket over a t-shirt with a portrait of Marilyn...
Mason Ruffner
Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Mason Ruffner bends his knees and smiles as he looks forward. He's wearing a business suit and light-colored shoes. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Mason...
Maurice John Vaughn
Maurice John Vaughn, Chicago blues guitarist, singer, and saxophone player, looks at the camera as he sits holding the neck of a tenor saxophone with his right hand and the neck of an electric blues...
Mem Shannon
Mem Shannon, blues singer, guitarist, harmonica and bass guitar player, looks seriously to the left while playing an electric guitar. He wears a dark leather vest and flat cap. There is a framed baby...
Mem Shannon
Mem Shannon, blues singer, guitarist, harmonica and bass guitar player, looks seriously to the left while playing an electric guitar. He wears a dark leather vest and flat cap. There is a framed baby...
Mem Shannon
Mem Shannon, blues singer, guitarist, harmonica and bass guitar player, looks seriously to the left while playing an electric guitar. He wears a dark leather vest and flat cap. There is a framed baby...
Mem Shannon
Mem Shannon, blues singer, guitarist, harmonica and bass guitar player, smiles as he looks at the camera while playing an electric guitar. He wears a business suit. Printed in the margin below the...
Mem Shannon
Mem Shannon, blues singer, guitarist, harmonica and bass guitar player, smiles as he looks at the camera while playing an electric guitar. He wears a business suit. Printed in the margin below the...
Mem Shannon
Mem Shannon, blues singer, guitarist, harmonica, and bass guitar player, smiles out the window of the drivers side of a taxicab as he plays a guitar. The door of the cab says, "New Breed Cab Co."...
Mia Doi Todd
Mia Doi Todd, guitarist and singer of electronic ambient music, stands in a field on the plains and plays an acoustic guitar as she looks seriously at the camera. Printed in the margin below the...
Michael McDermott
Rock guitarist and vocalist Michael McDermott leans forward with his elbows resting on his knees. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Michael McDermott. EMI Records. EMI [logo]." Printed in...