Corey Stevens
Blues guitarist and vocalist Corey Stevens crouches down in front of a wooden fence with chipping paint and looks seriously at the camera. He holds an electric guitar between his legs. He wears a dark...
Corey Stevens
Blues guitarist and singer Corey Stevens shown from an angle from his feet up to his head, stands on stage playing an electric guitar. He wears a dark rimmed straw cowboy hat. Printed in the margin...
Corey Stevens
Blues guitarist and vocalist Corey Stevens smiles as he holds the neck of a resonator guitar up by his face in a close-up photograph. He wears a straw cowboy hat with a metal medallion on the hatband...
Corey Stevens
Blues guitarist and vocalist Corey Stevens smiles as he holds the neck of a red resonator guitar up by his face in a close-up photograph. He wears a straw cowboy hat with a metal medallion on the...
Cotton Candy and So Many Men
Cotton Candy & So Many Men, a blues band from Kansas City comprised of one African American woman, one African American man, and four white men, sit on or in front of a tile wall in front of a...
Reggae guitarist and vocalist Cryout looks to the right as he plays a guitar over a hand drawn city and night sky background.
Reggae guitarist and vocalist Cryout looks down and to the right as he plays a guitar over the colors of the Jamaican flag. Printed across the bottom of the photograph, "Cryout, Reggae."
Reggae musician and vocalist Cryout plays guitar and congas at a festival. A white woman keyboardist is behind his left shoulder. A white male drummer is behind his right shoulder. A banner...
Reggae guitarist and vocalist Cryout is photographed from below as he stands holding an electric guitar with his right hand and looks down wearing sunglasses. Printed in the margin below the...
Dan Hicks
Dan Hicks, rock singer and guitarist, smiles at the photographer in a head-shot photographer. He wears a dark leather jacket. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Dan Hicks."
Dan Hicks
Rock vocalist and guitarist Dan Hicks smiles as he stands looking over a porch railing down at the camera. He rests his guitar across the railing. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "On the...
Darrell Nulisch and the Crawl
Darrell Nulisch, blues harmonica player and singer, stands center stage at the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri and lifts his left hand toward the ceiling and holds a microphone to his mouth...
Dave Alvin
Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Dave Alvin sits and holds an electric guitar by the neck with the body resting on his thigh and the neck by his face. He peeks at the camera to the side of the guitar...
Dave Alvin
Americana guitarist and vocalist Dave Alvin threads his fingers at his chin and stares directly at the photographer. Printed below the photograph in the margin, "Hightone Records, 220 4th St., #101...
Dave Alvin
Americana guitarist and vocalist Dave Alvin sits with an electric guitar standing up on his left thigh held by both his hands as he peeks at the photographer from the right side of the neck. He wears...
Dave Mason
Rock guitarist and vocalist Dave Mason in a close-up profile photograph from his left side. He wears a dark leather jacket. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Dave Mason. P.O.W [logo]. Tel...
Dave Thompson
Dave Thompson, blues guitarist and singer, sits on the back support of a couch with an electric guitar resting on his left knee as he looks off to the right. He wears a dark cowboy hat. The wall...
Deb Pasternak
Guitarist and vocalist Deb Pasternak rests both of her hands between her legs on the barstool she sits on. She grins directly at the camera. Printed in the margin to the right of the photograph,...
Devon Allman performing
Devon Allman, blues guitarist and singer, sings into a microphone as he plays an electric guitar. He wears a black hat, a black Harley Davidson t-shirt, and blue jeans.
Don Walser
Don Walser, country music singer, yodeler, and guitar player, grins at the camera as he rests his hands on the body of an acoustic guitar that is held by a strap around his neck. He wears a tall light...
Don Walser
Don Walser, country music singer, yodeler, and guitar player, laughs as he plays an acoustic guitar. He wears a tall light-colored cowboy hat in a close-up photograph. Printed on the bottom right-hand...
Duke Tumatoe
Blues guitarist and vocalist Duke Tumatoe in a black and white photograph with red colorization added to his shirt and name, stands with his hand clasped out in front of him and above the neck of an...
Duke Tumatoe
Blues guitarist and vocalist Duke Tumatoe stands on stage with his eyes closed as he play an electric guitar. Stage lighting and another musician are visible behind him. Printed in the margin below...
Duke Tumatoe
Blues guitarist and vocalist Duke Tumatoe sits on a vintage wooden Faygo beverage box and plays an electric guitar by holding the neck high by his face and looking at the neck. He wears high-top...
Duke Tumatoe and the Power Trio
Blues guitarist and vocalist Duke Tumatoe, of Duke Tumatoe and the Power Trio, stands on stage with his eyes closed as he play an electric guitar. Stage lighting and another musician are visible...