Bill Kleoppel
Country music guitarist and vocalist Bill Kleoppel kneels on the ground leaning on an acoustic guitar resting on his thigh. He wears a cowboy hat and a plaid shirt. Printed in the margin below the...
Don Walser
Don Walser, country music singer, yodeler, and guitar player, grins at the camera as he rests his hands on the body of an acoustic guitar that is held by a strap around his neck. He wears a tall light...
Don Walser
Don Walser, country music singer, yodeler, and guitar player, laughs as he plays an acoustic guitar. He wears a tall light-colored cowboy hat in a close-up photograph. Printed on the bottom right-hand...
Dylan-Thomas Vance
Country music slide guitarist Dylan-Thomas Vance holds an acoustic guitar by the neck over his right shoulder and looks down the body of the guitar into the camera. Printed in the margin below the...
Gillian Welch
Gillian Welch, a folk-rock and country-rock guitar player, banjo player, and vocalist, looks down and smiles as she pushes her hair behind her right ear with her right hand. She wears a floral print...
Gillian Welch
Gillian Welch, folk-rock and country-rock guitar player, banjo player, and singer, looks at the camera as she holds her coat open by placing her hands on her hips revealing a dress with a sparkling...
Gillian Welch
Gillian Welch, a folk-rock and country-rock guitar player, banjo player, and vocalist, looks down and to the right with a serious expression as she plays an electric guitar. She wears a polka dot...
Heather Myles
Heather Myles, country singer and guitarist, leans on a porch post with her right arm and her right hand above her head resting on the post and hooks the thumb of her left hand in her belt as she...
Liz Barnez with a group of people
Blues and Country guitarist and vocalist Liz Barnez sits on a tall stool in the center of an unidentified group of four white men and one white woman standing around her. The man on the farthest left...
Richard Buckner
Alternative country music guitarist and vocalist Richard Buckner leans back on a log as he sits outdoors on the ground and looks seriously at the camera.. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Robert Earl Keen
Country and bluegrass artist Robert Earl Keen looks over his left shoulder out of a window he is leaning on as he sits by a cup of coffee. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "robert earl keen...
Roger Wallace
Country-blues guitarist and vocalist Roger Wallace, from his left profile, looks seriously straight ahead in a close-up, head-shot photograph. He wears a straw cowboy hat. Printed in the margin below...
Tom Russell
Folk and country guitarist and vocalist Tom Russell hugs the body of a guitar to his chest with the neck by his face in a close-up photograph. He wears a denim, snap-up shirt. Printed in the margin...
Tony Furtado
Country guitarist and banjo player Tony Furtado holds an acoustic guitar up to the side of his face as he looks sweetly at the photographer. He wears a glass slide on his finger of his left hand...
Tony Furtado
Country guitarist and banjo player Tony Furtado in a split photograph. The left photograph is a close-up of Tony smiling at the photographer as he stands on railroad tracks wearing a knit cap low over...
Tony Furtado Band
Country guitarist and banjo player Tony Furtado, in a close-up head-shot photograph, grins up to his right wearing sunglasses and a knit cap. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "For Booking &...
Willis Alan Ramsey
Texan country and folk guitarist and vocalist Willis Alan Ramsey smiles back over his right shoulder as he holds an acoustic guitar by the neck that is slung behind his shoulder by the guitar strap...