Janis Ian
Pop vocalist and guitarist Janis Ian leans to the right and slants her eyes to look and smile at the camera. She hugs the body of a dark guitar upside down on her lap. Printed in the margin below the...
Joe Ely
Vocalist and guitarist Joe Ely, his head surrounded by smoke, looks seriously at the camera as he wears a shirt buttoned up to his neck and a dark jacket. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
John Mooney
Blues guitarist and vocalist John Mooney stands under a canopy looking at the neck of a guitar he is playing as he wears sunglasses. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "John Mooney. Photo...
Lonesome Bob
Guitarist Lonesome Bob sits outside on a step in the dark, with his hands folded underneath his chin as his elbows lean on his knees. He looks seriously slightly up and to his left at the camera. He...
Lonnie Mack
Blues guitarist Lonnie Mack closes his eyes as he stands and sings into a microphone and plays an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Alligator [logo]. Lonnie Mack. Photo...
Lonnie Mack
Blues guitarist Lonnie Mack looks directly at the camera from under the brim of a ball cap as he holds an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Lonnie Mack. Epic 8807. c1988...
Mahotella Queens and the band
The Mahotella Queens are three black South African female mbaqanga musicians in traditional clothing, dance on the Grand Emporium stage performing for an audience whose backs of their heads are in the...
Mason Ruffner
Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Mason Ruffner bends his knees and smiles as he looks forward. He's wearing a business suit and light-colored shoes. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Mason...
Michelle Shocked
Guitarist and vocalist Michelle Shocked grins as she leans over her guitar to rest her elbow on a railing outdoors in a urban setting. On the left, an unidentified man holds a trumpet to his lips...
Monica Casey
Monica Casey, folk singer, guitarist, and ukulele player, slanted in the photograph, gives a small smile as she holds her acoustic guitar with one hand.
Monte Montgomery
Blues guitarist Monte Montgomery smiles and looks to the right as he leans on crossed arms. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Texas Music Group, 805 West Avenue, Suite 2, Austin, TX 78701...
Nick Colionne
Nick Colionne, guitarist, singer, and keyboardist, stands by an electric guitar and case leaning against the wall in front of him. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Nick Colionne Guitarist...
Olivier Giraud
French musician Olivier Giraud is standing holding a cigarette in one hand and a drink in the other on a sailboat that is out on a body of water. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Olivier...
Pat McLaughlin
Rock guitarist Pat McLaughlin leans back on a door jamb of a double door. The door closest to him is opened back into the building. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Pat McLaughlin. Dos...
Peter Mayer
Folk-rock guitarist and vocalist Peter Mayer leans on a part rock, part stucco wall and smiles at the camera as he plays an acoustic guitar. He wears a black sleeveless shirt. Printed in the margin...
Peter Mayer
Folk-rock guitarist and vocalist Peter Mayer leans out from behind a tree trunk and smiles at the camera. There is a glass block window behind him. He wears a dark, long-sleeved shirt. Printed in the...
Richard Johnston
Blues guitarist and vocalist Richard Johnston sits in front of a brick wall and closes his eyes as he sings into a microphone and plays a cigar box guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Robbie Laws
Guitarist Robbie Laws stands in front of a cloth backdrop playing an electric guitar. He is wearing a dark turtleneck under a dark business suit jacket. An amplifier is on the floor behind him and to...
Scott Kempner
Rock guitarist Scott Kempner closes his eyes and leans on a wall as he stands on a fire escape and plays an electric guitar. Photo taken from his right side. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Scotty Lee
Guitarist Scotty Lee stands hugging an electric guitar with a slight smile. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Scotty Lee. The Shannon Music Group Inc. United Artists Tower, 50 Music Square...
Sean Chambers
Guitarist Sean Chambers stands between two unidentified white men in front of a wall with graffiti painted that states in part, "Olor, Sierra Baron, Briail Kieth, Mala Power, Live Fast Die Fast, Ritz...
Sean Chambers
Guitarist Sean Chambers wears a large print shirt as he please an electric guitar and looks intensely at the photographer. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Back Door Management, 236 West...
Spencer Bohren
Americana roots guitarist Spencer Bohren looks up and to his left as he holds a resonator guitar. He stands in front of an open wooden gate by a brick wall. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Spencer Bohren
Roots guitarist Spencer Bohren smiles at the photographer as he rests his right arm on the side of the body of the guitar. He holds the neck with his left hand and has a finger slide on. Printed in...
Spencer Bohren Trio
Spencer Bohren Trio stand outside holding their instruments: a bass on the left, Spencer Bohren with a guitar in a case in the center, And a man holding a drum head on the right. "Virgin [logo]...