Billy Bacon and the Forbidden Pigs
Billy Bacon and the Forbidden Pigs, a three piece Americana band comprised of two white men and an Asian American man (possibly), stand holding their instruments. Billy Bacon stands on his upright...
Blue City Band performing
Four members of the five member Blue City Band, a blues band comprised of three white men and two African American men, perform in a tent. Farthest to the left is David Tims playing the drums and...
Brother Red
Brother Red, a trio of one African American man and two white men, lean over the keyboard of a Hammond B3 organ. Don Michael "Red" Young has his fingers on the keys, while Kenny Sara to the left...
Buckwheat Zydeco
Buckwheat Zydeco, zydeco accordion player and singer, plays an accordion and sings into a microphone on a stage with five other African American zydeco instrumentalists or an electric bass guitar, a...
Coco Montoya
Blues guitarist and drummer Coco Montoya leans his bent left elbow on a case and rests his chin in his left hand as he smiles at the camera and holds an blue electric guitar with silver flecked finger...
Cotton Candy and So Many Men
Cotton Candy & So Many Men, a blues band from Kansas City comprised of one African American woman, one African American man, and four white men, sit on or in front of a tile wall in front of a...
Crying Rhinos
The Crying Rhinos, a local Kansas City punk rock band comprised of four white men, in a collage of four photographs of each band member playing an instrument. Printed in the margin below the...
Grant Hart
Rock drummer, guitarist, and vocalist Grant Hart leans his bent left arm on a mirror and stares straight ahead over some industrial pipes. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Pachyderm...
James Harmon Band
James Harmon Band, a blues band comprised of four white men, stand on stage wearing business suits as they perform. Printed on the drum, "James Harman Band, the Dangerous Gentlemen."
Kinsey Report
The Kinsey Report, a blues band comprised of three African American men, in a photograph taken from an angle from the floor up to where they are standing, holding their instruments. Printed in the...
Kinsey Report
The Kinsey Report, a blues band comprised of three African American men, sit outside in front of a concrete wall with the number 42 painted on the support. Each member holds an instrument. Printed in...
Mahotella Queens and the band
The Mahotella Queens are three black South African female mbaqanga musicians in traditional clothing, dance on the Grand Emporium stage performing for an audience whose backs of their heads are in the...
Rockin' Dopsie and the Zydeco Twisters
Rockin' Dopsie and the Zydeco Twisters, a zydeco band comprised of five African American men, stand on stage under a tent and play their instruments of a saxophone accordion, drums, washboard, and...
Ron Thompson & the Resistors
Ron Thompson and the Resistors, a blues band comprised of two white men who stand with their instruments and one African American man who sits on a barstool holding drum sticks. He wears a straw...
Ronnie Dawson
Ronnie Dawson, rockabilly singer, guitarist and drummer, stands with one hand in his pocket and the other cradling an electric guitar. He wears a three-quarter sleeve black shirt with a line of leaves...
Ruthie Foster and Cyd Cassone
Blues guitarist and vocalist Ruthie Foster (left), in a split photograph, sits on a suitcase on railroad tracks and plays an acoustic guitar. In the photograph on the left, Ruthie is joined by hand...
Scarlet Runner
Scarlet Runner, a blues-rock band comprised of Jason Christensen, Jack Christensen, and Jeremy Ackley, stand outside in front of a house laughing. The band member in the center is smoking. The one on...
Sean Costello and the Counts of Rhythm
Sean Costello and the Counts of Rhythm is a blues ensemble comprised of three white men and one African American man. Standing in the back is a harmonica player, a drummer, and a stand-up bass player...
Spencer Bohren Trio
Spencer Bohren Trio stand outside holding their instruments: a bass on the left, Spencer Bohren with a guitar in a case in the center, And a man holding a drum head on the right. "Virgin [logo]...
Tim Reynolds Electric Trio
Tim Reynolds Electric Trio, a band comprised of one white man and two African American men (Johnny Gilmore and Houston Ross), stand in front of a wood paneled wall and smile at the camera.
The Twisters, a rock and roll band comprised of three white men, in four individual photographs in a collage. The top is the drummer. In the bottom left is the bass player. In the top right is the...
Twistin' Tarantulas
The Twistin' Tarantulas, a rockabilly band from Detroit, Michigan comprised of three white men, stand holding their instruments with a completely dark background. They all look seriously at the camera...
Twistin' Tarantulas
The Twistin' Tarantulas, a rockabilly band from Detroit, Michigan comprised of three white men, stand in a cinderblock room with head-height windows holding their instruments. To the left is a guitar...
Two Hoots and a Holler
Two Hoots and a Holler, is a roots rock band from Austin, Texas. Eddie Edmonson on the left plays an electric bass guitar. Pat Kelly in the center plays a drum set. Ricky Broussard on the right jumps...
Unidentified group
An unidentified group play their instruments in an empty room with a tongue-in-groove wooden floor. Two white men stand in the back facing each other and leaning back to play a saxophone on the left...