Vertu, a jazz fusion band comprised of one white woman, two African American men, one white man, and one African American woman, in separate portrait photographs in a collage. The name of each band...
Vibro Champs
The Vibro Champs, a rockabilly band comprised of four white men, stand outside of an architecturally rounded and angled glass, steel, and concrete building playing their instruments: drums, guitars...
Victor Essiet
Nigerian reggae guitarist Victor Essiet with the band, The Mandators, leans his left elbow on his propped up left knee and smiles directly at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Victor Essiet
Nigerian reggae guitarist Victor Essiet with the band, The Mandators, looks down at the acoustic guitar he is playing. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Victor Essiet & the Mandators...
Victor Essiet
Nigerian reggae guitarist Victor Essiet with the band, The Mandators, looks down at the acoustic guitar he is playing. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Victor Essiet & the Mandators...
Virunga, an African orchestra of seven men, stand or sit arm-in-arm holding their instruments and laughing as they wear their performance costumes. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Virunga...
Volcano Suns
Volcano Suns, an alternative rock band comprised of three white men, are in the dark holding different varieties of lights under their faces in a close-up photograph. The band member in the center has...
Voodoo Cowboys
Voodoo Cowboys, a band comprised of four white men, sit or lean on a pile of tires stacked up by a dilapidated building. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Voodoo Cowboys." Printed in the...
Voodoo Kings
The Voodoo Kings, a blues-rock band from Texas comprised of four white men, stand together wearing dark clothing and turn their heads to look seriously at the camera in a close-up photograph. Printed...
Wailers Band
The Wailers Band, a reggae band of eight Jamaican men, stand together outside in front of an urban building. One band member on the left wears a tag that reads, "The Wailers. Dic-92, Artist." The band...
Wailers Band
The Wailers Band, a reggae band, stand five in the back, one squats in the front, and the other band member in the front sits on a low stool. Printed below the photograph are the names of each band...
Wailing Souls
Wailing Souls, a reggae duo of two Jamaican men who laugh together in a close-up photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Wailing Souls. The Burt Stein Entertainment Company. Chaos...
Wailing Souls
Wailing Souls, a reggae duo of two Jamaican men, who stand close together to lean toward the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Wailing Souls. Pow...
The Wallflowers, a rock band comprised of five white men, sit on torn upholstered couches on a porch and look at the camera in a disinterested fashion. A dog lies his head in the lap of the band...
Walter "Wolfman" Washington and the Roadmasters
Walter "Wolfman" Washington and the Roadmasters, a jazz, funk and blues band comprised of two African American men and five white men, who stand in a group wearing business suits or neckties and...
War, a funk band of six African American men, who stand in an alley with razor wire, graffiti and trash and look down at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "War. Artists...
War, a funk band of seven African American men and one Mexican American man, and one Japanese American man, stand outdoors on a staircase lined by brick walls and cactus. Printed in the margin below...
Warsaw, a ska band comprised of five white men, in a photo in which four of them stand together and hold the fifth band member up in the air as if seated in the air with his legs spread wide. He hangs...
Waste Kings
The Waste Kings, a garage band / punk band comprised of four white men who are looking up at the camera from a black background in a close-up photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Wellsprings of Hope
The Wellsprings of Hope, an alternative rock band comprised of four white men, looking forlorn on stage together holding their instruments. Three wear business suits and neckties. Printed in the...
The Welterweights, a rock band of three white men and one white woman, laugh as they stand under a tree and by a privacy fence. One man smokes. Another man holds a guitar case.
Wendy Neutzler and an unidentified man
Wendy Neutzler leans her head into the cheek of an unidentified African American man who leans his cheek towards the side of her head at the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri as Little Charlie...
West Side Wayne and The Boulevard Band
West Side Wayne and The Boulevard Band, a blues band comprised of five white men and two white women, lean against a height board used in criminal line-ups. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Widespread Panic
Widespread Panic, a Southern rock and blues-rock band comprised of six white men, stand on either side of a chain-link fence with barbed wire across the top; four in front of it and two behind it...
Widespread Panic
Widespread Panic, a Southern rock, blues-rock band comprised of six white men, stand in a group on the grass by a sidewalk and look up at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...