Mudbone, a band comprised of four white men and one African American man, sit in a room beside the corner pocket of a pool table.
Mudcat Blues Band
Mudcat Blues Band, comprised of three white men and one African American man, sit, crouch, and stand by a rock wall. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Mudcat Blues Band, Contact:" Printed...
Mystic Revealers
Mystic Revealers, a Jamaican reggae band comprised of four men, squat or stand by a tree-lined river and look at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Mystic Vibrations. P.O. Box...
Mystic Revealers
Mystic Revealers, a Jamaican reggae band comprised of seven men, sit in a group and look at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "mystic Revealers." A printed label attached to the...
Nashville Pussy
Nashville Pussy, a rock band comprised of two white men and two white women, stand together with the two women in the center. One man on the right holds a knife to the nipple of the woman next to him...
Nashville Pussy
Nashville Pussy, a rock band comprised of two white men and two white women, who all sneer at the camera in a close-up photograph, the two women in the middle; the two men on the each outside. Printed...
National People's Gang
National People's Gang, an alternative rock band comprised of four white men, sit together and look off to the left. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "National People's Gang. Plaza Booking...
National People's Gang
National People's Gang, an alternative rock band comprised of four white men, mug for the camera. Two wear tank tops. Two wear not shirts. One is eating grapes. The other three are each doing...
Natty Nation
Natty Nation, a reggae and roots music band comprised of four African American men, and one white man, standing outside in a half circle with all of their hands on a metal globe outline of Atlas...
Natty Nation
Natty Nation, a reggae and roots music band comprised of five African American men, stand in front of a brick wall and mug for the camera. Printed in the margin above the photograph, "Natty Nation...
Nerak Roth Patterson Band
Nerak Roth Patterson Band, a blues band comprised of five African American men and one white man, in a montage of portrait photographs on a solid black background. Printed in the margin below the...
New Orleans Juice
New Orleans Juice, a funk and soul band comprised of five white men, stand outside laughing while leaning on French doors as the member in the middle squats down. The shot taken from the ground up...
New York Jimmy and the Jive Five
New York Jimmy and the Jive Five, a jazz, blues, and swing band comprised of six white men dressed in vintage business suits and fedora hats, stand in a group and look up at the camera. Printed in the...
Newcomers Home
Newcomers Home, comprised of one white woman and two white men, on the street with guitar cases. Modern ornamental street lights are behind them. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Newcomers...
Nick Curran and the Nitelifes
Nick Curran and the Nitelifes, a rockabilly band comprised of four white men who stand and hold their instruments and smile at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Samm Funk...
Nick Moss
Blues guitarist Nick Moss cocks his head to one side as he stand and plays an electric guitar. His face is partially in a shadow. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Nick Moss and the Flip...
Nickel Creek
Nickel Creek, a folk music band comprised of one white woman and two white men. The woman is standing to the left of the sun setting on a body of water while the two men stand to the right of the...
The Nighthawks, a blues-rock band comprised of five white men, standing in a line smiling at the camera. The band member farthest to the left is holding an electric guitar.
No Collar Hero
No Collar Hero is a power rock, punk rock, and power emo music group comprised of three white men. The three men stand together and look up at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
No Trend
No Trend, a punk rock band comprised of thirteen white men, sit and stand on a stage with many instruments and smile or mug for the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "No Trend. Touch...
No Trend Band
No Trend, a punk rock band comprised of four white men, perform on stage and in front of the stage. They wear matching clothes and hats. The guitarist and percussionist walk on the floor in front of...
NRBQ, a rock band comprised of four white men who stand out outside arm-in-arm and smile as they talk to each other. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "From left: Johnny Spampinato, Tom...
O.J. Ekemode and the Nigerian Allstars
O.J. Ekemode and the Nigerian Allstars, a Nigerian Afrobeat ensemble comprised of two women and three men, stand together wearing traditional clothing and holding their instruments. Printed in the...
Old 97's
Old 97's, a country rock band comprised of four white men, stand in the hallway of possibly a train car, and smile at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "L-R : Rhett Miller...
Old No. Eight
Old No. Eight, a folk-rock band comprised of six white men, stand on a porch. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Old No. Eight. For Booking : Casey Scott (773)274-2159, magnoliamusic[at]aol...