Project Iroko
Project Iroko, a Cuban band comprised of three women and six men, who stand outside in front of a fence in stage costumes and holding percussion instruments. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Rita Ribeiro
Rita Ribeiro, a Brazilian reggae singer, smiles at the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Large leaves are behind her head. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Rita Ribeiro, Putumayo...
The Skatalites, a ska band comprised of seven Jamaican men, one Jamaican woman, and one white man, sit and stand in a group. Devon Jarnes sits and holds a saxophone between his legs. Printed in the...
The Skatalites, a ska band comprised of seven Jamaican men, one Jamaican woman, and one white man, stand together under the Brooklyn Bridge in New York. The band member furthest to the right holds a...
The Skatalites, a ska band comprised of seven Jamaican men, one Jamaican woman, and one white man, sit and stand in a group. Devon Jarnes sits and holds a saxophone between his legs. Printed in the...
Sophia George
Jamaican reggae vocalist Sophia George smiles directly at the camera in a head-shot close-up photograph with her head tilted to the right. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Sophia George...
Tarika, a band from Madagascar, stand together holding their instruments and smiling at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Tarika. TriLoka." Printed in the right margin, "Photo...
Thomas Mapfumo and the Blacks Unlimited
Thomas Mapfumo, a Black Zimbabwean Chimurenga singer, wears a leather Oakland Raiders jacket and a dark fedora hat with a contrasting hatband, as he stands with the band members of Blacks Unlimited...
Unidentified male guitarist performing (top); Unidentified female singer performing (bottom)
An unidentified black male guitarist closes his eyes and tilts his head back as he is performing in a close-up photograph (top). An unidentified black female singer wearing a red dress and a wide...
Unidentified woman
An unidentified black woman sits sideways on a chair in a corner of a room, rests her arm over the back rest of the chair and her hand on her shoulder as she looks up and smiles.
Wendy Shaw
Wendy Shaw, a Jamaican reggae singer, smiles at the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Wendy Shaw. Isaachar Muzik R.A.W. 122. For more info...
Wendy Shaw
Wendy Shaw, a Jamaican reggae singer, places her finger on her right cheek as she smiles at the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Wendy Shaw...