Desmond Dekker
Jamaican reggae vocalist Desmond Dekker looks to his right with a slight smile as he wears a flat cap and a coat with the collar lifted around his neck. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Devon "Touchdown" Brown
Jamaican reggae musician Devon "Touchdown" Brown smiles to his left as he moves his forearms in a dance position. He wears a light-colored double-breasted suit.. Printed in the margin below the...
Devon Brown
Jamaican reggae musician Devon Brown runs the fingers of his right hand through his hair and looks seriously to the left.
Devon Brown
Jamaican reggae musician Devon Brown stands with his left hand in his pocket wearing a black overcoat, a large necklace, and a fedora. Printed in the margin to the right of the photograph, "Devon...
Devon Brown
Jamaican reggae musician Devon Brown sits with his arms crossed over the back of a chair as he wears a checked suit jacket over a collarless shirt. He wears many rings. Printed in the margin below the...
Djaté, reggae singer for Djaté and the Rockers, holds a microphone and closes his eyes as he sings on stage. Another band member is visible behind him also closing her eyes. Printed in the margin...
Don Carlos
Jamaican roots vocalist Don Carlos stands with his left hand on his chin and wearing a dark leather jacket. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Don Carlos." Printed in the right margin, " (c)...
Donovan, a reggae singer from the Caribbean, tips his fedora hat as he wears sunglasses, an open shirt, and a large necklace as he stands outside a gate in a brick wall. Printed in the margin below...
Dub it Alls
A photocopy of a photograph of Dub It Alls, a reggae band of three Black, possibly Jamaican, men. They lean on a wall in front of a tapestry of Bob Marley and the words "Marley and the Wailers."
Foreign Dread
Foreign Dread, likely a reggae band, comprised of three Jamaican men and one white (possibly) man, stand in front of a fence. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Foreign Dread."
Jamaican reggae trio Foundation stand on what appears to be a beach. The two on the outside stare off to he right. The one in the middle looks directly at the camera. All are serious. Printed in the...
Frankie Paul
Frankie Paul, a Jamaican reggae singer, begins to remove his sunglasses as he sits in front of a cloth backdrop wearing a business suit and tie and holding a glass of wine. Printed in the margin below...
Fully Fullwood
Jamaican bass player Fully Fullwood looks forward as he plays the bass. He wears a cap. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Fully Fullwood. Artist Representation: Paradise Productions, phn...
Garth Dennis
Jamaican reggae singer Garth Dennis in a close-up, head-shot photograph, looks seriously at the camera as he wears a beret. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Garth Dennis."
Gladiators featuring Albert Griffiths
The Gladiators featuring Albert Griffiths, a Jamaican reggae band of seven men, stand on stage performing. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "The Gladiators featuring Albert Griffiths...
Half Pint
Jamaican reggae singer Half Pint crouches outside with his fingers threaded together. A brick wall and trees are blurred behind him. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "ras Real Authentic...
Itals, a Jamaican reggae vocal group comprised of two men and one woman, stand together and smile at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "[Lion logo]. Itals. ras, Real Authentic...
Jimmy Cliff
Jamaican reggae and ska vocalist Jimmy Cliff spreads his arms in mid twirl. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Jimmy Cliff. GTI [logo]. General Talent International, (212) 245-3939."
Jimmy Cliff
Jamaican reggae and ska vocalist Jimmy Cliff spreads his arms in mid twirl. Printed in the margin above the photograph, "FC 40845. Jimmy Cliff. Hanging Fire. Including: Love Me Love/Soar Like An Eagle...
Justin Hinds
Jamaican reggae singer Justin Hinds looks to the left in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Justin Hinds. Bookings: Fast Lane (3202) 342-7721, Management...
Leroy Shakespheare - Ship of Vibes
Leroy Shakespheare and Ship of Vibes, a Jamaican reggae band comprised of three white men and two black men, stand outside under a tree and smile to the left. Printed across the bottom of the...
Leroy Shakespheare and the Ship of Vibes
Leroy Shakespheare and the Ship of Vibes, a Jamaican reggae band comprised of four white men and one black man, stand and sit in a group and look directly at the camera in a close-up photograph...
Majek Fashek
Nigerian reggae vocalist and guitarist Majek Fashek lifts his chin to sing and play guitar behind a microphone. He wears a vest with no shirt. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Majek Fashek...
The Meditations, a reggae band comprised of three Jamaican men, lean back on a railing and smile at the camera. A palm tree trunk decorated with electric lighting is behind them. Printed in the margin...
Meditations, a Jamaican reggae band comprised of six Black men who hold their instruments and mug for the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Meditations. Bookings by Fast Lane...