Bert Wills
Blues guitarist and singer Bert Wills looks down as he plays an electric guitar outdoors with many motorcycles faded behind him. He wears sunglasses. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Bert...
Billy Bacon
Billy Bacon, singer with the Americana band Billy Bacon and the Forbidden Pigs. He stands wearing a cowboy hat, a suit and a tie with a cowboy on it.
Dave Alvin
Americana guitarist and vocalist Dave Alvin threads his fingers at his chin and stares directly at the photographer. Printed below the photograph in the margin, "Hightone Records, 220 4th St., #101...
Dave Alvin
Americana guitarist and vocalist Dave Alvin sits with an electric guitar standing up on his left thigh held by both his hands as he peeks at the photographer from the right side of the neck. He wears...