Cate Brothers
Cate Brothers [band], twins Earl and Ernie, play rock and roll on the Grand Emporium stage in Kansas City, Missouri. Ernie sings into a microphone and plays the keyboards, a bass player, possibly Ron...
Cate Brothers
The Cate Brothers, twins Earl and Ernie, play on the Grand Emporium stage in Kansas City, Missouri. An electric bass guitar player, possibly Ron Eoff, and Earl Cate, who plays an electric guitar...
Gordon Haskell
British rock bassist and vocalist Gordon Haskell looks down with a smile and scratches his forehead with his left hand. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "voiceprint, P.O. Box 5, Derwentside...
Jason D. Williams
Rock pianist and vocalist Jason D. Williams stands on stage behind a microphone with his eyes closed and his mouth wide open. He wears a beige sweater and a fedora hat. Behind him is an unidentified...
Mike Reilly with several other performers
Blues-rock guitarist Mike Reilly in a montage of color photographs with people he has appeared with. The upper left-hand photograph is Mike Reilly, Alan Blazek, and Elvin Bishop. The center-left...
Scarlet Runner
Scarlet Runner, a blues-rock band comprised of Jason Christensen, Jack Christensen, and Jeremy Ackley, stand outside in front of a house laughing. The band member in the center is smoking. The one on...