Omar and the Howlers
Omar and the Howlers, a blues-rock group comprised of three white men, stand on the sidewalk outside a shop window with security bars. The guitar player on the left and the bass player on the right...
Otis Grand
Otis Grand, blues guitarist, leans toward the neck of an electric guitar he holds upright in his lap with his right hand. He wears sunglasses. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Otis Grand...
Otis Grand
Blues guitarist Otis Grand and possibly Anson Funderburgh, also a blues guitarist, from the back, sit at a table in an empty restaurant with a few beers in glasses on the table. They both turn to look...
Otis Rush - Mighty Flyers
A split photograph of the band Mighty Flyers on the left and Otis Rush on the right. The Mighty Flyers, a blues band comprised of one white woman sitting on a traveling case hugging an animal print...
Pat Ramsey
Blues harmonica player and vocalist Pat Ramsey sits outside on a chair by a well pump wearing sunglasses, smiling and leaning forward by resting his elbows on a knee and turning his fingers of his...
Paul Black
Paul Black, blues slide guitarist and singer, wearing a straw cowboy hat stands in front a dart board and holds a cane in his left hand, sunglasses in his right hand. Printed in the margin below the...
Paul Black
Paul Black, blues slide guitarist and singer, wearing a straw cowboy hat and smoking a cigarette. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "House of Blues Music Company. Paul Black. Private Music...
Paul deLay
Paul deLay, blues harmonica player and singer, wearing suspenders and a tie, smiles at the photographer as he holds a harmonica in both hands. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Paul deLay...
Paul deLay
Blues vocalist and harmonica player Paul deLay leans against an outdoor wall with a cityscape, likely Chicago, behind him. He wears a dark leather jacket and a dark flat cap. Printed in the margin...
Paul deLay
Blues harmonica player and vocalist Paul deLay, in a close-up head shot photograph, blows into a harmonica held with both hands. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Evidence Recording Artist...
Paul deLay
Blues harmonica player and vocalist Paul deLay grins as he crosses his arms around his middle and holds a harmonica in is left hand. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Evidence [logo]. Paul...
Paul deLay
Blues harmonica player and vocalist Paul deLay, in a close-up head shot photograph, blows into a harmonica held with both hands. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Evidence Recording Artist...
Paul deLay Band
The Paul deLay Band, a blues band comprised of five white men, stand outdoors in a line and smile or laugh. Paul deLay is farthest to the right. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Evidence...
Paul Filipowicz
Chicago blues guitarist, harmonica player, and vocalist Paul Filipowicz holds the bottom of an electric guitar. Printed in the margin above the photograph, "Blues Man Paul Filipowicz." Printed in the...
Paul Wood
Blues guitarist and vocalist Paul Wood looks to his right at the neck of an electric guitar he is playing. He wears a light-colored business suit jacket and wire-rimmed sunglasses. Printed in the...
Pawn Shop
The Pawn Shop, a blues band comprised of two white men and two African American men, smile at the camera as they have their arms around each other. The man in the back holds a harmonica and a man in...
Peter Madcat Ruth and Shari Kane
Peter Madcat Ruth and Shari Kane, blues musicians, laugh as they stand with her back to his left side. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Peter Madcat Ruth & Shari Kane. Beancake Records, PO...
Popa Chubby
Blues musician Popa Chubby in a laminated out of focus photograph of him holding a guitar and possibly a woman on each side of him.. Printed on the bottom of the photograph, "Popa Chubby All Access."...
Popa Chubby
Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Popa Chubby grimaces while looking straight ahead and playing an electric guitar. He has a lock of hair curling its way to his right eye. He wears a sleeveless T...
Popa Chubby
Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Popa Chubby grimaces while looking straight ahead and playing an electric guitar. He has a lock of hair curling its way to his right eye. He wears a sleeveless T...
Popa Chubby
Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Popa Chubby leans to the right and looks seriously to the right as he hugs a guitar in the crook of his left elbow. He wears a sleeveless T-shirt that shows his arm...
Popa Chubby
Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Popa Chubby, in a slanted photograph, sits in a rock bench and purses his lips as he looks down and plays an electric guitar. He wears a sleeveless T-shirt that shows...
Popa Chubby
Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Popa Chubby cradles his chin on a resonator guitar between the body and the neck as he looks seriously at the camera. He wears a sleeveless T-shirt that shows his...
Popa Chubby
Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Popa Chubby cradles his chin on a resonator guitar between the body and the neck as he looks seriously at the camera. He wears a sleeveless T-shirt that shows his...
Preacher Boy
Preacher Boy, blues singer and multi-instrumentalist, sits and leans against a barn wood wall, crosses his legs and laughs toward the right as he plays a resonator guitar. He wears a fedora hat and...