Larry McCray
Blues guitarist and singer Larry McCray laughs as he looks down and to his right while holding an electric guitar. He wears a dark vest. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "HOB, House of...
Larry McCray
Blues guitarist and singer Larry McCray laughs as he looks down and to his right while holding an electric guitar. He wears a dark vest. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "HOB, House of...
Larry McCray
Blues guitarist and singer Larry McCray smiles as he holds an electric guitar on his lap. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Magnolia Records. Larry McCray. Represented by: Paul Koch, Paul...
Larry McCray
Blues guitarist and singer Larry McCray grins as he looks up and holds a Flying V Gibson electric guitar by the neck with his left hand. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Larry McCRAY...
Little Jimmy King
Blues guitarist and vocalist Little Jimmy King stands with his fingers threaded over the body of an electric guitar as he smiles at the camera. He is dressed in dark clothing and the guitar is a...
Lloyd Jones
Blues guitarist and vocalist Lloyd Jones stands looking at the camera with an electric guitar hoisted over to rest on his right shoulder. He wears a suit jacket with wide herringbone print. Printed in...
Long John Hunter
Texan blues guitarist and vocalist Long John Hunter smiles directly at the camera and holds the neck of an electric guitar upright in the air in front of him. He wears a leather vest and a straw hat...
Long John Hunter
Texan blues guitarist and vocalist Long John Hunter looks off to the right and hugs the neck of an electric guitar upright on his lap. He wears a fedora hat with a wide floral print band. Printed in...
Long John Hunter
Texan blues guitarist and vocalist Long John Hunter smiles off to the left and holds an electric guitar upright to the left of his lap with both of his hands. He wears a fedora hat. Printed in the...
Lonnie Brooks
Blues vocalist and guitarist Lonnie Brooks, wearing a cowboy hat and a shirt with a striped yoke, leans to his left as he play an electric guitar and smiles at the photographer. Printed in the margin...
Lonnie Brooks
Blues vocalist and guitarist Lonnie Brooks, wearing a cowboy hat and a shirt with a striped yoke, leans to his left as he play an electric guitar and smiles at the photographer. Printed in the margin...
Luther 'Houserocker' Johnson
Blues guitarist and vocalist Luther 'Houserocker' Johnson closes his eyes as he sings into a microphone and plays an electric guitar. He wears a three-piece suit and a straw hat. Printed in the margin...
Magic Slim
Blues guitarist and singer Magic Slim sings into a microphone as he plays a Fender Jazzmaster electric guitar. He wears a light colored straw hat with a feather hatband. Printed in the margin below...
Magic Slim
Blues guitarist and singer Magic Slim plays an electric guitar as he stands wearing a dark fedora. A brim of a dark fedora hat is visible. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Photo: Stephen...
Magic Slim
Blues guitarist and singer Magic Slim places his fingers on the neck of a guitar in a close-up, head-shot photograph. A brim of a dark fedora hat is visible. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Majek Fashek
Nigerian reggae vocalist and guitarist Majek Fashek lifts his chin to sing and play guitar behind a microphone. He wears a vest with no shirt. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Majek Fashek...
Mem Shannon
Mem Shannon, blues singer, guitarist, harmonica, and bass guitar player, smiles out the window of the drivers side of a taxicab as he plays a guitar. The door of the cab says, "New Breed Cab Co."...
Monica Casey
Monica Casey, folk singer, guitarist, and ukulele player, slanted in the photograph, gives a small smile as she holds her acoustic guitar with one hand.
Richard Johnston
Blues guitarist and vocalist Richard Johnston sits in front of a brick wall and closes his eyes as he sings into a microphone and plays a cigar box guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Ronnie Baker Brooks
Chicago blues gutiarist and vocalist Ronnie Baker Brooks looks directly at the photographer as he wears a dark cowboy hat, a shiny shirt, and holds an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the...
Ronnie Dawson
Rockabilly guitarist and vocalist Ronnie Dawson sits and leans against the grill in the front of a vintage car as he plays an electric guitar. He looks off to the left wearing sunglasses and a dark...
Ronnie Dawson
Rockabilly guitarist and vocalist Ronnie Dawson in a split photograph. The left photograph is from Ronnie's left side as he looks back over his left shoulder at the photographer. The right photograph...
Rory Block
Blues guitarist and vocalist Rory Block, in a three-way split photograph, wears a black suit and fedora hat. In the bottom photograph she is playing an acoustic guitar. Printed in the margin below the...
Ruthie Foster and Cyd Cassone
Blues guitarist and vocalist Ruthie Foster (left), in a split photograph, sits on a suitcase on railroad tracks and plays an acoustic guitar. In the photograph on the left, Ruthie is joined by hand...
Shannon Curfman
Blues guitarist and vocalist Shannon Curfman sits on a rock bench playing a guitar with a brick wall behind her with an eye painted on it. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Shannon Curfman...