Guy Forsyth
Blues guitarist and vocalist Guy Forsyth sits on a barstool and plays a resonator guitar. He wears suspenders and a tank top undershirt and pinstripe pants. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Jake La Botz
Chicago blues guitarist and vocalist Jake La Botz sits on a barstool playing an electric guitar, wearing a suit jacket and rolled-up jeans. A guitar case sits on the floor by the barstool. Printed in...
James Armstrong
Blues guitarist and vocalist James Armstrong sits leaning his head on his right hand which elbow rests on his right thigh. An electric guitar is standing upright with the neck resting on his left...
James Armstrong
Blues guitarist and vocalist James Armstrong stands with his guitar on the floor in front of him and hold the neck with his hands folded over the headstock. He wears a dark suit jacket over t-shirt...
James Armstrong
Blues guitarist and vocalist James Armstrong sits with an electric guitar. The head of the guitar sits on the chair between his legs as James hugs the body with his left arm. He looks seriously at the...
Jimmy Dawkins
Blues guitarist and vocalist Jimmy Dawkins stands on stage playing an electric guitar with a drummer behind him. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Jimmy Dawkins. Awarded "Hot Club France"...
Jimmy Dawkins
Blues guitarist and vocalist Jimmy Dawkins stands holding an electric guitar and wearing a derby hat and business suit. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Personal Manager, The Cameron...
Jimmy Dawkins
Blues guitarist and vocalist Jimmy Dawkins stands holding an electric guitar and wearing a derby hat and business suit. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Exclusive Bookings by: "Leric Music...
Joanna Connor
Blues guitarist and vocalist Joanna Connor covers part of her face with her right hand as it rests on the body of an electric guitar she is holding on her lap. She wears a hat. Printed in the margin...
Joanna Connor
Blues guitarist and vocalist Joanna Connor stands with a rock wall to her left and the neck of her guitar to her right. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "photo by Paul Thomas. Booking: Ken...
Joanna Connor
Joanna Connor, blues guitarist and singer, with her face close to the neck of an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Photo: Chris Jacobs. Joanna Connor. Blind Pig Recording...
Joe Ely
Vocalist and guitarist Joe Ely in a split photograph flyer. The top photograph has Joe sitting down outside playing an acoustic guitar lying across his lap. The bottom photograph has Joe Ely standing...
Joe Ely
Joe Ely, singer and guitarist, sits holding a guitar with a zebra guitar strap and wearing a dark shiny jacket. An accordion's bellows are spread on the wall behind him.
John Bayley
Reggae musician John Bayley grimaces as he plays a guitar and sings in a close-up photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "John Bayley. Inner Circle Productions Inc. Booking Agent...
John Cowan
Blues guitarist and vocalist John Cowan stares straight ahead as he holds a guitar flat across his lap. He wears a dark leather jacket. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "John Cowan. Sugar...
John Hammond
Blues guitarist and vocalist John Hammond wears a business suit as he sits on a low chair and plays a guitar. A wood paneled wall is behind him and a tongue-and-groove wooden floor. Printed in the...
John Hammond
John Hammond, blues guitarist and singer, sits on a tall stool and picks a resonator guitar. He wears dark clothing. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "John Hammond. pointblank." Printed in...
John Hammond
Blues guitarist and vocalist John Hammond sits on a tall stool and picks a resonator guitar. He wears dark clothing. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "John Hammond. pointblank. the rosebud...
Johnny Bassett
Blues electric guitarist and vocalist Johnny Bassett stands in front of a brick wall resting his arms on the body of a guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Johnnie Bassett. Photo...
Josie Kreuzer
Rockabilly guitarist and vocalist Josie Kreuzer plays an acoustic guitar as she stands with one foot on a circular suitcase with a mobile record player on top of it. Record albums and covers lie on...
Joyce Cooling
Jazz guitarist and vocalist Joyce Cooling looks down at the neck of a guitar she is playing. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Heads Up International Ltd. PO Box 976, Lynnwood, Wa. 98046...
Kent Duchaine
Blues guitarist and vocalist Kent Duchaine sits on a railroad track resting a resonator guitar on his lap as he plays it with a slide. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "4214 Nicoleet So...
Kim Lenz
Rockabilly guitarist and vocalist Kim Lenz stands with her mouth wide open as a guitar hangs from a strap around her neck. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Kim Lenz. Hightone Records, 220...
Larry Davis
Blues guitarist and vocalist Larry Davis laughs as he holds a guitar and stands behind a microphone He wears a three-piece pin-stripe suit. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Photo by Jim O...
Larry Davis
Blues guitarist and vocalist Larry Davis laughs as he stands behind a microphone playing a guitar. He wears a three piece pinstripe business suit. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Larry...