Forbidden Pigs
Forbidden Pigs, a blues-rock band comprised of three white men, stand holding their instruments of a snare drum, an accordion, and a string bass. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Swingin'...
Sean Costello and the Counts of Rhythm
Sean Costello and the Counts of Rhythm is a blues ensemble comprised of three white men and one African American man. Standing in the back is a harmonica player, a drummer, and a stand-up bass player...
Tiny Tim performing at the Grand Emporium with Rich Hill, Arnie Young, and Bryan Hicks
Tiny Tim, a singer and ukulele player, closes his eyes as he stands at the microphone to sing and play a ukulele. He wears a white, long-tailed tuxedo with staffs of music printed on the material in...
Tiny Tim, Rich Hill, Arnie Young, and Bryan Hicks perform at the Grand Emporium
Tiny Tim, a singer and ukulele player, closes his eyes and plays an ukulele as he performs with a Rich Hill on the keyboard, Arnie Young on drums, and Bryan Hicks on the double bass at the Grand...
The Twisters, a rock and roll band comprised of three white men, in four individual photographs in a collage. The top is the drummer. In the bottom left is the bass player. In the top right is the...
Twistin' Tarantulas
The Twistin' Tarantulas, a rockabilly band from Detroit, Michigan comprised of three white men, stand holding their instruments with a completely dark background. They all look seriously at the camera...
Twistin' Tarantulas
The Twistin' Tarantulas, a rockabilly band from Detroit, Michigan comprised of three white men, stand in a cinderblock room with head-height windows holding their instruments. To the left is a guitar...