Michael E. Johnson
Michael E. Johnson, reggae singer for the Killer Bees, sings into a microphone he holds in his right hand. He's wearing a fingerless leather glove on his hand. Printed in the margin below the...
Mighty Sam
Mighty Sam, blues singer, looks seriously at the camera with his hands on his hips as he wears a tuxedo. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Mighty Sam. Deluge Entertainment, P.O. Box 96...
Mighty Sam McClain
Blues singer Mighty Sam McClain smiles as he rests his arms on the back of a chair and wears a dark cowboy hat. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Mighty Sam McClain. McClain Productions...
Mighty Sam McClain
Blues singer Mighty Sam McClain smiles as he rests his arms on the back of a chair and wears a dark cowboy hat. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Mighty Sam McClain. Skyline Music, P.O. Box...
Mike Reilly with several other performers
Blues-rock guitarist Mike Reilly in a montage of color photographs with people he has appeared with. The upper left-hand photograph is Mike Reilly, Alan Blazek, and Elvin Bishop. The center-left...
Montage of six images of Little Hatch; the House Rockers and includes Grand Emporium insignia
Montage of six images of Little Hatch, blues harmonica player and singer, and one photograph of the House Rockers, a blues band comprised of three white men, performing with Little hatch at the Grand...
Nappy Brown
Blues musician Nappy Brown smiles at the photographer as he holds a cigarette up with his left hand. He wears a flat cap and a leather jacket. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Nappy Brown...
Otis Clay
Blues vocalist Otis Clay raises his arm in the air and points up as he closes his eyes and grimaces as he sings into a microphone. He wears a button-down, long-sleeved shirt with a dark-colored yoke...
Otis Clay
Otis Clay, blues singer, smiles to the left as he raises his hands chest high and snaps the fingers of his right hand. He wears a red shirt with a black collar and a gold LP necklace. A microphone is...
Otis Clay
Blues vocalist Otis Clay scowls to his left as he holds a microphone. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Otis Clay c/o Rooster Blues / Jim O'Neal 312 - 281 - 3385, Photo / Larry Kodani."
Otis Clay
Blues vocalist Otis Clay closes his eyes and opens his mouth wide as he sings into a microphone in his right hand. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Otis Clay. Marty Salzman Management...
Otis Clay performing
Otis Clay, funk, soul and gospel singer, looks to the left with a grimace and holds a microphone in his left hand as he is performing. He wears a v-neck sweater and a necklace that has an album type...
Phil Perry
Phil Perry, soul and funk singer and keyboardist, stands outside between two brick walls, crosses his arms and gives a big smile toward the camera as he wears a patterned sweater. Printed in the...
Preston Shannon
Preston Shannon, blues guitarist and singer, smiles as he holds a guitar across his body in a close-up photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Preston Shannon. Bullseye Blues [logo]...
Preston Shannon
Preston Shannon, blues guitarist and singer, smiles as he rests his chin on his left hand and hugs the guitar body to his chest with the neck down toward the floor. Printed in the margin below the...
Professor Eddie Lusk and Karen Carroll
Chicago blues keyboard player Professor Eddie Lusk props his keyboard on its side on the ground and rests his right hand on it as he leans his left forearm on the right should of Chicago blues singer...
Professor's Blues Review featuring Gloria Hardiman
Professor's Blues Review featuring Gloria Hardiman, is a blues band comprised of four African American men who stand behind Gloria Hardiman, blues singer, who sits in an upholstered chair in front of...
R.J. and Kid Morgan Blues Band (featuring Percy Strother!)
The R.J. and Kid Morgan Blues Band featuring Percy Strother stand together performing. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "the R.J. & Kid Morgan Blues Band (featuring Percy Strother!). Blue...
Robert "Bilbo" Walker
Robert "Bilbo" Walker, blues guitarist, does the duck walk down a dirt road as he plays an electric guitar. A Lincoln limousine is parked on the side of the road behind him. A field of, likely, cotton...
Robert Cray
Robert Cray, blues guitarist and singer, looks up to smile at the camera as he plays an electric guitar with the neck pointed at the camera in a close-up photograph. He wears a dark shirt. Printed in...
Ronnie Baker Brooks
Chicago blues gutiarist and vocalist Ronnie Baker Brooks looks directly at the photographer as he wears a dark cowboy hat, a shiny shirt, and holds an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the...
Sam Myers and Anson Funderburgh
Blues harmonica player and vocalist Sam Myers stands on the edge of the stage wearing a business suit and singing into a microphone as he holds a harmonica with both hands, and blues guitarist Anson...
Sam Myers and Anson Funderburgh
Blues vocalist Sam Myers sits in front of guitarist Anson Funderburgh. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Anson Funderburgh & Sam Myers. Booking: Piedmont Talent, Steve Hecht, 311 Oakdale...
Sam Myers and Anson Funderburgh
Blues vocalist Sam Myers sits in front of guitarist Anson Funderburgh. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Anson Funderburgh & the Rockets Featuring Sam Myers. Booking: Piedmont Talent, Steve...
Smokey Wilson
Smokey Wilson, a Mississippi blues singer and guitarist, smiles at the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph. He wears an embroidered shirt and a bolo tie. Printed in the margin below the...