Anders Osborne
Anders Osborne, Swedish-American blues-rock singer and guitarist, laughs as he sits among fellow musicians, three white men, one African American man, and one white woman, in a living room. Printed in...
Billy Goat
Billy Goat is a funk-rock band from Kansas City comprised of one African American man, four white men, and one white woman. The men stand and the woman bends to rest her hands on her knees. Printed in...
David Garza
David Garza and the rock band The Lovebeads stand in front of a wooden doorway in a brick wall. David Garza is a guitarist and singer. The band is additionally comprised of two white men, one African...
Diane Schuur - Bobby Watson, Jr. - Monty Alexander - Dr. John
Diane Schuur, jazz singer and pianist, Bobby Watson, Jr., jazz saxophonist, Dr. John, jazz and blues singer, and Monty Alexander, jazz pianist, in four separate close-up, head-shot portrait...
Hot Town Jubilee
Hot Town Jubilee, an American swing jazz band comprised of one white woman, two white men, one African American man, an Asian American man, and a Mexican American man, all standing in front of...
Jo Shannon and Muddy Waters
Jo Shannon smokes a cigarette as she stands outside next to blues musician Muddy Waters, as he steps out of the passenger side of a Chevrolet Custom Deluxe 10 Suburban SUV backstage at an unidentified...
Kepha, a reggae band comprised of three white men, one African American man, and one white woman, stand and sit outside on rocks and by a concrete wall.
Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials performing during toga night aboard Ultimate Rhythm and Blues Cruise II
Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials, two members of the blues band, one African American man and the other a white man, perform on stage of the cruise ship during toga night aboard the Ultimate Rhythm and...
Little Sister
Little Sister, a rock band comprised of one white woman, one African American man, and two white men, sit or stand in front of a brick wall and look seriously at the photographer. Printed in the...
Majestics Rhythm Revue
The Majestics Rhythm Revue, a dance party band from Lawrence, Kansas comprised of one African American man, four white men, and one white woman, standing in front of a rock wall. Printed in the margin...
Miss Molly and the Passions
Miss Molly and the Passions, an American band comprised of two white women, an African American man, and two white men, standing in a lobby that announces their band on the board behind them. Printed...
New Flavor Reggae
New Flavor Reggae, are a Hawaiian reggae duo comprised of an African American man and a Hawaiian man. One crouches and the other bends forward to have their photograph taken with a group of three...
Otis Rush - Mighty Flyers
A split photograph of the band Mighty Flyers on the left and Otis Rush on the right. The Mighty Flyers, a blues band comprised of one white woman sitting on a traveling case hugging an animal print...
Phat Phunktion
Phat Phunktion, a funk and soul band comprised of six white men, one African American man, and one white woman, stand together mostly dressed in dark suits, and give the "gunpoint" to the photographer...
Pierre D'entremont, Speedy Huggins and Rene Funderburgh
Pierre D'entremont (left), Speedy Huggins (center), and Rene Funderburgh (right) pose together for a photograph. Speedy Huggins wears a flat cap and a business suit. Time stamped on the bottom right...
Promotional still from the movie "Crossroads"
Promotional still from the movie "Crossroads". Walking across a clapboard bridge are the actors Ralph Macchio, Jami Gertz, and Joe Seneca. Each actor carries a case and Ralph also has an electric...
Stir Fried
Stir Fried, a pop rock band from Minneapolis, Minnesota comprised of two African American men, two white women, and three white men, stand outside in a line front of a wooden privacy fence. The man in...
Timbuk3, a post-punk band comprised of one white woman, one African American man, and one white man, stand outside with trees behind them and smile at the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph...
Tiny Tim with an ukulele and a group of people at the Grand Emporium
Tiny Tim holds his ukulele and smiles down at the camera as he is flanked by Roger Naber (left), and George Myers (right), white male bar owners of the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri, and...
Vertu a jazz fusion band comprised of one white woman, one African American woman, two African American men, and one white man, wear dark formal clothing as they sit on or stand by a white staircase...
Vertu, a jazz fusion band comprised of one white woman, two African American men, one white man, and one African American woman, in separate portrait photographs in a collage. The name of each band...
Wendy Neutzler and an unidentified man
Wendy Neutzler leans her head into the cheek of an unidentified African American man who leans his cheek towards the side of her head at the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri as Little Charlie...