Cotton Candy and So Many Men
Cotton Candy and So Many Men, is a blues ensemble comprised of one African American woman, six white men, and one African American man. Vocalist Cotton Candy sits between a drummer and a guitarist on...
Creole Zydeco Farmers
Creole Zydeco Farmers, a zydeco band comprised of five African American men, stand in front of a brick wall holding their instruments. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "JS Records Recording...
Creole Zydeco Farmers Band
The Creole Zydeco Farmers Band, a zydeco band comprised of five African American men, stand in a group with the accordion player sitting in the center front. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Michael Foster Project
New Orleans jazz ensemble Michael Foster Project gather around a jukebox in Donna's Bar & Grill in New Orleans, Louisiana as they hold their instruments. Donna's Bar+Grill is painted on the wall...