Bernard Allison
Blues guitarist and vocalist Bernard Allison sits with an electric guitar flat across his lap and smiles at the photographer as he wears a cowboy hat with a wide hatband, a paisley vest over a light...
Bernard Allison
Blues guitarist and vocalist Bernard Allison stands in a doorway with his arms crossed over the body of an electric guitar. He wears a cowboy hat, a vest over a light-colored shirt. Printed below the...
Bernard Allison
Blues guitarist and vocalist Bernard Allison stands in a doorway with his arms crossed over the body of an electric guitar. He wears a cowboy hat, a vest over a light-colored shirt. Printed below the...
Liz Barnez with a group of people
Blues and Country guitarist and vocalist Liz Barnez sits on a tall stool in the center of an unidentified group of four white men and one white woman standing around her. The man on the farthest left...
ReBirth Brass Band
ReBirth Brass Band, a bayou funk band from New Orleans comprised of eight African American men who stand in a group together with their arms crossed all wearing matching ReBirth hoodies. Most wear...
Roger Wallace
Country-blues guitarist and vocalist Roger Wallace, from his left profile, looks seriously straight ahead in a close-up, head-shot photograph. He wears a straw cowboy hat. Printed in the margin below...