Little Hatch
Blues singer and harmonica player Little Hatch laughs as he half-way sits on a barstool. He wears dark shirt and pants with light-colored suspenders. He holds a harmonica in his left hand.
Little Jimmy King
Blues guitarist and vocalist Little Jimmy King stands with his fingers threaded over the body of an electric guitar as he smiles at the camera. He is dressed in dark clothing and the guitar is a...
Little Johnny Taylor
Little Johnny Taylor, rhythm and blues singer, sits with his knees to the left and smiles over his left shoulder at the camera. He wears a wide belt that ties at his hip. Printed in the margin below...
Little Willie Littlefield
Blues singer and pianist Little Willie Littlefield presses keys down on a toy piano and he grins and holds a microphone to his mouth. He wears a light-colored hat and a suit jacket over a sweater vest...
Long John Hunter
Texan blues guitarist and vocalist Long John Hunter smiles directly at the camera and holds the neck of an electric guitar upright in the air in front of him. He wears a leather vest and a straw hat...
Long John Hunter
Texan blues guitarist and vocalist Long John Hunter looks off to the right and hugs the neck of an electric guitar upright on his lap. He wears a fedora hat with a wide floral print band. Printed in...
Long John Hunter
Texan blues guitarist and vocalist Long John Hunter smiles off to the left and holds an electric guitar upright to the left of his lap with both of his hands. He wears a fedora hat. Printed in the...
Lonnie Brooks
Blues vocalist and guitarist Lonnie Brooks, wearing a cowboy hat and a shirt with a striped yoke, leans to his left as he play an electric guitar and smiles at the photographer. Printed in the margin...
Lonnie Brooks
Blues vocalist and guitarist Lonnie Brooks, wearing a cowboy hat and a shirt with a striped yoke, leans to his left as he play an electric guitar and smiles at the photographer. Printed in the margin...
Lonnie Brooks
Blues vocalist and guitarist Lonnie Brooks, looks to his right with a big grin while he wears a cowboy hat and holds his left hand around the neck of a guitar. Printed in the margin below the...
Lonnie Shields
Lonnie Shields, blues guitarist and singer, smiles at the camera as he wears a tuxedo with a bow tie and a boutonniere. The neck of a guitar he is playing is in the photograph. Printed in the margin...
Loston Harris
Jazz pianist Loston Harris sits on a wooden bench looking down seriously as he crosses his hands on this lap; fingers of his left hand spread. He wears a three piece business suit. A blurred crowd is...
Louisiana Red
Louisiana Red, blues guitarist, harmonica player, and singer, rests one elbow on his bent knee and the other elbow on the bottom of the body an acoustic guitar that is neck down toward the floor. He...
Louisiana Red
Louisiana Red, blues guitarist, harmonica player, and singer, leans on his left hand as his elbow rests on a table and holds an acoustic guitar by the neck by his right shoulder. He wears sunglasses.
Lovie Lee
Blues pianist Lovie Lee stands and turns to his right as he plays an electric piano and smiles at the camera. He stands in a living room with a television and a stack of albums behind the piano...
Lucky Peterson
Lucky Peterson, blues guitarist, piano player, and organist, wears sunglasses as he looks at the camera with the neck of a Gibson guitar visible on the right side of his body. Printed in the margin...
Lucky Peterson
Lucky Peterson, blues guitarist, piano player, and organist, stands between the keyboards of an organ and a piano as he hugs the neck of an electric jazz guitar. Printed in the margin below the...
Luqman Hamza
Jazz pianist Luqman Hamza smiles into a microphone as he plays a piano. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Luqman Hamza. A.K.A. Larry Cummings. Smooth Tenor Voice. Fluid Piano Style. Vast...
Luther 'Houserocker' Johnson
Luther 'Houserocker' Johnson, blues guitarist and singer, sings into a microphone with his eyes closed and plays an electric guitar. Another band member is on the left side of the photograph and...
Luther 'Houserocker' Johnson
Blues guitarist and vocalist Luther 'Houserocker' Johnson closes his eyes as he sings into a microphone and plays an electric guitar. He wears a three-piece suit and a straw hat. Printed in the margin...
Luther "Guitar Junior" Johnson
Blues guitarist Luther "Guitar Junior" Johnson sits on a chair in front of a brick wall with peeling paint and looks down at the neck of an electric guitar that he is playing. A beam of light shines...
Luther Allison
Blues guitarist Luther Allison grins as he plays a guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Booking: the rosebud agency, P.O Box 170429, San Francisco, CA 64117, (415)386-3456, Fax: (415...
Luther Allison
Blues guitarist Luther Allison winces as he plays a guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Booking: the rosebud agency, P.O Box 170429, San Francisco, CA 64117, (415)386-3456, Fax: (415...
Luther Allison
Blues guitarist Luther Allison hugs an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Thomas Ruf Production, Kirchstr. 24, 37318 Lindewerra, Fon (49)-(0) 5652-958600, Fax (49)-(0) 5652...
Luther Allison
Blues guitarist Luther Allison winces as he plays a guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Booking: The rosebud agency, P.O Box 170429, San Francisco, CA 64117, (415)386-3456, Fax: (415...