Geno Delafose
Zydeco accordionist and vocalist Geno Delafose smiles and looks up as he rests his hands on an accordion that is only partially in the close-up photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
George Howard
George Howard, jazz saxophonist, looks up and to the right toward the camera as he holds up a soprano saxophone with his right hand. He wears a graphic print sweater.
George Howard
Jazz saxophonist George Howard slants his eyes up and to the right toward the camera as he holds up a soprano saxophone with his right hand. He wears a graphic print sweater. Printed in the margin...
George Howard
Jazz saxophonist George Howard smiles at the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "George Howard. grp [logo]." Printed in the right margin, "Photo...
Grady Champion
A close-up photograph of Grady Champion, multi-instrumentalist blues artist, head cocked to one side, wearing a fedora and playing a Hohner harmonica. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Grady Champion
Grady Champion, multi-instrumentalist blues artist, holding a fedora in one hand and a harmonica in the other, stands in a dark suit and smiles at the photographer. Printed in the margin below the...
Grady Champion
Grady Champion, multi-instrumentalist blues artist, holding a fedora in one hand and a harmonica in the other, stands in a dark suit and smiles at the photographer. Printed in the margin below the...
Grover Washington, Jr.
Grover Washington, Jr., jazz saxophonist, leans back, closes his eyes, and blows into a saxophone.
Grover Washington, Jr.
Grover Washington, Jr., jazz saxophonist, holds a soprano saxophone across his body as he rests one foot up on a rung of a chair. He wears a checkered business suit jacket. Printed in the margin below...
Guitar Shorty
Blues guitarist Guitar Shorty stands in front of a painted brick wall, opens his mouth wide and turns his head to the left as he plays an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Guitar Shorty
Blues guitarist Guitar Shorty looks up and away from the camera as he plays an electric guitar that is inscribed with his name. He wears three lapel pins: "GS", an eighth note, and a guitar. There are...
Guitar Shorty
Blues guitarist Guitar Shorty leans against a vintage Chrysler sedan and smiles as he holds an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Black Top Records [logo], Black Top Records...
Guitar Shorty
Blues guitarist Guitar Shorty bends at the knees of his widespread legs and plays an electric guitar. He looks off to the right. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Black Top Records Paving...
Guy Davis
Blues guitarist Guy Davis sits in the backseat of a car wearing a fedora and smiling down at the acoustic guitar taking up the rest of the seat. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Red House...
Harold Singer
Blues saxophonist Harold Singer stands on stage blowing into a saxophone with a keyboard player behind him. He wears a sports jacket and a loosened necktie. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Hubert Sumlin
Hubert Sumlin, blues guitarist, hugs the neck of a guitar to the side of his face and smiles in a close-up, head-shot photograph. He wears a light fedora hat, a pinstripe business suit jacket, and...
Hubert Sumlin
Hubert Sumlin, blues guitarist, hugs the neck of a guitar to the side of his face and smiles in a close-up, head-shot photograph. He wears a fedora hat, a pinstripe business suit jacket, and dotted...
Ill One
Hip hop artist Ill One stands with his shirt tied around his waist and a large necklace hanging around his neck. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Ill One, Zahirah Entertainment. Double...
Jack McDuff
Jazz organist Jack McDuff sits on the edge of a bench and turns slightly to his right to smile at the camera. He wears a captains hat and a dark leather jacket. Printed in the margin below the...
Jack McDuff
Jazz organist Jack McDuff looks slightly to his right to smile at the camera. He wears a captains hat and a dark leather jacket. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Jack McDuff, Organist."...
James Armstrong
Blues guitarist and vocalist James Armstrong sits leaning his head on his right hand which elbow rests on his right thigh. An electric guitar is standing upright with the neck resting on his left...
James Armstrong
Blues guitarist and vocalist James Armstrong stands with his guitar on the floor in front of him and hold the neck with his hands folded over the headstock. He wears a dark suit jacket over t-shirt...
James Armstrong
Blues guitarist and vocalist James Armstrong sits with an electric guitar. The head of the guitar sits on the chair between his legs as James hugs the body with his left arm. He looks seriously at the...
James Cotton
Blues harmonica player James Cotton closes his eyes as he blows into an amplified harmonica he holds to his mouth with both hands. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "James Cotton. Justin...
James Cotton
Blues harmonica player James Cotton wearing a flat cap and a dark leather jacket, has his back to the photographer. He turns to the right to smile back over his right shoulder as he holds a harmonica...