Otis Clay
Blues vocalist Otis Clay raises his arm in the air and points up as he closes his eyes and grimaces as he sings into a microphone. He wears a button-down, long-sleeved shirt with a dark-colored yoke...
Otis Clay
Otis Clay, blues singer, smiles to the left as he raises his hands chest high and snaps the fingers of his right hand. He wears a red shirt with a black collar and a gold LP necklace. A microphone is...
Otis Clay
Blues vocalist Otis Clay scowls to his left as he holds a microphone. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Otis Clay c/o Rooster Blues / Jim O'Neal 312 - 281 - 3385, Photo / Larry Kodani."
Otis Clay
Blues vocalist Otis Clay closes his eyes and opens his mouth wide as he sings into a microphone in his right hand. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Otis Clay. Marty Salzman Management...
Otis Clay performing
Otis Clay, funk, soul and gospel singer, looks to the left with a grimace and holds a microphone in his left hand as he is performing. He wears a v-neck sweater and a necklace that has an album type...
Otis Rush - Mighty Flyers
A split photograph of the band Mighty Flyers on the left and Otis Rush on the right. The Mighty Flyers, a blues band comprised of one white woman sitting on a traveling case hugging an animal print...
Percy Strother
Percy Strother, electric blues guitarist, sits on a footstool and rests one foot on a step of the stool as he plays an electric guitar and smiles toward the camera. He wears a straw cowboy hat...
Percy Strother
Percy Strother, electric blues guitarist in a close-up, head-shot photograph, tips the brim of a light-colored fedora hat with a wide floral hatband. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Percy...
Percy Strother
Electric blues guitarist Percy Strother tips the brim of a light-colored fedora hat with a wide floral hatband.
Percy Strother
Percy Strother, electric blues guitarist, stands with his fedora hat cocked to one side playing an electric guitar. He wears a velvet jacket and velvet pants. Printed in the margin below the...
Pharaohs with Sir Charles L. "Ki" Handy, in a montage of photographs on top of hand drawn logos of African American (likely) musicians and one white male percussionist. Handwritten in the margin below...
Phil Perry
Phil Perry, soul and funk singer and keyboardist, stands outside between two brick walls, crosses his arms and gives a big smile toward the camera as he wears a patterned sweater. Printed in the...
Phillip Walker
Phillip Walker, blues guitarist, smiles at the camera as he hugs an electric blues guitar under his right arm. He wears a pinstripe business suit and a necktie. Printed in the margin below the...
Phillip Walker
Phillip Walker, blues guitarist, smiles at the camera as he hugs an electric blues guitar under his right arm. He wears a pinstripe business suit and a necktie. Printed in the margin below the...
Phillip Walker
Phillip Walker, blues guitarist, turns his head slightly to the left to smile at the camera as he plays a guitar. He wears a business suit and a necktie. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Phillip Walker
Phillip Walker, blues guitarist holds his fingers where the neck of the guitar meets the body in a close-up, head-shot photograph. The guitar is signed. Phillips wears a dark fedora hat with a leather...
Preston Shannon
Preston Shannon, blues guitarist and singer, smiles as he holds a guitar across his body in a close-up photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Preston Shannon. Bullseye Blues [logo]...
Preston Shannon
Preston Shannon, blues guitarist and singer, smiles as he rests his chin on his left hand and hugs the guitar body to his chest with the neck down toward the floor. Printed in the margin below the...
R.L. Burnside
Blues guitarist R.L. Burnside wears a conical masonic [possibly?] hat and holds his hands up shoulder height with his fingers spread.. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Fat Possum Records...
R.L. Burnside
A mock up promotional photograph of blues guitarist R.L. Burnside stands at a microphone and smiles as he plays guitar. Printed below the photograph on a piece of graph paper, "R.L. Burnside."
Randy Jacobs of the Boneshakers
Rhythm and Blues musician Randy Jacobs, of the Boneshakers, smiles slightly directly at the photographer as he wears a dark fedora. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Randy Jacobs. The Bone...
Ray Drew
Blues musician Ray Drew in a head-shot photograph, curls his left hand fingers around his chin and looks at the photographer while wearing a captain's hat with Ray Drew in under the eagle emblem and a...
Robert "Bilbo" Walker
Robert "Bilbo" Walker, blues guitarist, does the duck walk down a dirt road as he plays an electric guitar. A Lincoln limousine is parked on the side of the road behind him. A field of, likely, cotton...
Robert Cray
Robert Cray, blues guitarist and singer, looks up to smile at the camera as he plays an electric guitar with the neck pointed at the camera in a close-up photograph. He wears a dark shirt. Printed in...
Robert Cray
Blues guitarist Robert Cray looks out wearing sunglasses and a sleeveless t-shirt as he stands behind a microphone and plays an electric guitar. Printed in the right margin, "Photo: Rocky W. Widner."