Kinsey Report
The Kinsey Report, a blues band comprised of three African American men, sit outside in front of a concrete wall with the number 42 painted on the support. Each member holds an instrument. Printed in...
Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials performing during toga night aboard Ultimate Rhythm and Blues Cruise II
Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials, two members of the blues band, one African American man and the other a white man, perform on stage of the cruise ship during toga night aboard the Ultimate Rhythm and...
Linda Shell and Ron Thompson
Linda Shell, blues singer, stands center stage singing into a microphone, and Ron Thompson, guitarist, closes his eyes as he plays guitar to the right, with two other unidentified band members: a...
Liz Barnez with a group of people
Blues and Country guitarist and vocalist Liz Barnez sits on a tall stool in the center of an unidentified group of four white men and one white woman standing around her. The man on the farthest left...
Lonnie Brooks and Lonnie Mack
Blues guitarist and vocalist Lonnie Brooks and blues and rock vocalist and guitarist Lonnie Mack perform on the stage of the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri. A keyboardists sits between them...
Luther Guitar Jr. Johnson
Blues guitarist and vocalist Luther Guitar Jr. Johnson closes his eyes as he plays a guitar on stage with an unidentified band of four white men at the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri. A sign...
Mahotella Queens and the band
The Mahotella Queens are three black South African female mbaqanga musicians in traditional clothing, dance on the Grand Emporium stage performing for an audience whose backs of their heads are in the...
Matt 'Guitar' Murphy and Speedy Huggins performing on the Ultimate Rhythm & Blues Cruise II
Blues guitarist Matt 'Guitar' Murphy turns his head away from the camera as he speaks into the microphone and speaks to dancer Speedy Huggins who stands behind and beside Guitar Murphy. An...
Mike Reilly with several other performers
Blues-rock guitarist Mike Reilly in a montage of color photographs with people he has appeared with. The upper left-hand photograph is Mike Reilly, Alan Blazek, and Elvin Bishop. The center-left...
Murali Coryell, Bill Foster, and Rod Gross
Bassist Murali Coryell, holding a guitar on his lap; drummer Bill Foster, and drummer Rod Gross sit in front of him for the cover of the album titled, 2120. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
No Trend Band
No Trend, a punk rock band comprised of four white men, perform on stage and in front of the stage. They wear matching clothes and hats. The guitarist and percussionist walk on the floor in front of...
Otis Rush - Mighty Flyers
A split photograph of the band Mighty Flyers on the left and Otis Rush on the right. The Mighty Flyers, a blues band comprised of one white woman sitting on a traveling case hugging an animal print...
Paul Galaxy and the Galactix
Paul Galaxy and the Galactix, a rockabilly band comprised of three white men, stand and lie on top of a vintage car by a wooden fence. Paul Galaxy leans on the top corner of the car on the driver's...
Paul Galaxy and the Galactix
Paul Galaxy and the Galactix, a rockabilly band comprised of three white men, stand around or sit in a vintage car, possibly a 1955 Oldsmobile, stopped out in a prairie. Paul Galaxy stand in front of...
Popa Chubby
Blues musician Popa Chubby in a laminated out of focus photograph of him holding a guitar and possibly a woman on each side of him.. Printed on the bottom of the photograph, "Popa Chubby All Access."...
Rockin' Dopsie and the Zydeco Twisters
Rockin' Dopsie and the Zydeco Twisters, a zydeco band comprised of five African American men, stand on stage under a tent and play their instruments of a saxophone accordion, drums, washboard, and...
Ron Thompson & the Resistors
Ron Thompson and the Resistors, a blues band comprised of two white men who stand with their instruments and one African American man who sits on a barstool holding drum sticks. He wears a straw...
Roomful of Blues with Curtis Salgado and Ronnie Earl
Roomful of Blues, a blues band, with Curtis Salgado, a singer and harmonica player, and Ronnie Earl, a guitarist, stand on stage performing. A baritone saxophone player is on the left side of the...
Saffire - The Uppity Blues Women
Saffire -- The Uppity Blues Women, a blues band comprised of one African American woman and two white women, laugh as they hold their instruments; a guitar, a double bass, and a keyboard. Printed in...
Saffire - The Uppity Blues Women
Saffire -- The Uppity Blues Women is a blues band comprised of two white women and one African American woman. Two of the women are seated; one holding a mandolin; one holding a guitar; and the third...
Sam Myers and Anson Funderburgh
Blues harmonica player and vocalist Sam Myers stands on the edge of the stage wearing a business suit and singing into a microphone as he holds a harmonica with both hands, and blues guitarist Anson...
Scarlet Runner
Scarlet Runner, a blues-rock band comprised of Jason Christensen, Jack Christensen, and Jeremy Ackley, stand outside in front of a house laughing. The band member in the center is smoking. The one on...
Sean Chambers
Guitarist Sean Chambers stands between two unidentified white men in front of a wall with graffiti painted that states in part, "Olor, Sierra Baron, Briail Kieth, Mala Power, Live Fast Die Fast, Ritz...
Sean Costello and the Counts of Rhythm
Sean Costello and the Counts of Rhythm is a blues ensemble comprised of three white men and one African American man. Standing in the back is a harmonica player, a drummer, and a stand-up bass player...
Son Seals Blues Band
Son Seals Blues Band is a blues band performing at the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri. Blues guitarist and vocalist Son Seals stands in the spotlight. Red Groetzinger plays a tenor saxophone...