Magpie, a band comprised of three white men, sit in a relaxed manner.
Mahlathini [and the Mahotella Queens]
Mahlathini, a Black South African mbaqanga musician, leans to the right and smiles at the camera as the Mahotella Queens, three Black South African mbaqanga musicians, lean to the left as they sing.
Mahlathini and the Mahotella Queens
Mahlathini and the Mahotella Queens is a South African mbaqanga band of three women and one man. The Mahotella Queens stand behind Mahlathini and point their fingers at this head as everyone laughs...
Mahotella Queens
The Mahotella Queens are three black South African female mbaqanga musicians in traditional clothing, stand on the Grand Emporium stage performing for an audience whose backs of their heads are in the...
Mahotella Queens
The Mahotella Queens are three Black South African mbaqanga musicians in traditional clothing. The two on the outside look incredulously at the one in the center, who is laughing. Printed in the...
Mahotella Queens and the band
The Mahotella Queens are three black South African female mbaqanga musicians in traditional clothing, dance and sing on the Grand Emporium stage performing for an audience whose backs of their heads...
Mahotella Queens and the band
The Mahotella Queens are three black South African female mbaqanga musicians in traditional clothing, dance on the Grand Emporium stage performing for an audience whose backs of their heads are in the...
Majestics Rhythm Revue
The Majestics Rhythm Revue, a dance party band from Lawrence, Kansas comprised of one African American man, four white men, and one white woman, standing in front of a rock wall. Printed in the margin...
Man? or Astro-man?
Man... or Astro-man?, an indie rock band comprised of four white men, wear odd glasses, a helmet with tubes, or a Shuttle Chase Team uniform as they look seriously at the camera. The man farthest to...
Mannish Boys
The Mannish Boys, a blues band comprised of four African American men and two white men, in individual photographs in two horizontal rows. Their names and instruments are printed below each photograph...
Martin Zellar and the Hardways
Martin Zellar and the Hardways, an alternative rock band comprised of five white men, three of whom are sitting and two are standing in the corner of a relatively empty room with hardwood tongue-in...
Matt Angus Thing
Matt Angus Thing, a rock band comprised of one white woman and two white men, is on a stage with a pressed tin ceiling and a flag of the United States of America on the wall behind them. Printed in...
Matthew Skoller Band
The Matthew Skoller Band, a blues band comprised of three white men and one African American man, stand with their heads in a diamond shape in front of a brick wall in a close-up photograph. Printed...
Meat Puppets
The Meat Puppets, an alternative rock band comprised of three white men, stand on stage playing their instruments. It is dark behind the stage except for one camera light. Printed in the margin above...
The Meditations, a reggae band comprised of three Jamaican men, lean back on a railing and smile at the camera. A palm tree trunk decorated with electric lighting is behind them. Printed in the margin...
Meditations, a Jamaican reggae band comprised of six Black men who hold their instruments and mug for the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Meditations. Bookings by Fast Lane...
The Meditations, a Jamaican reggae band comprised of three Black men who stand outside by stairways up to urban buildings. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "The Meditations. Easy Star...
The Meices, a punk rock band comprised of three white men, stand in front of a wall of graffiti and smile in a close-up photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "The Meices. Booking...
Mekons, a British rock band comprised of three white men and two white women who stand together in a close-up photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "mekons. photo by Brad Miller...
Merl Saunders - The Rain Forest Band
Merl Saunders - The Rain Forest Band is a jazz and world music fusion band comprised of two African American men and two white men. Merl Saunders sits in the drivers seat of a vintage convertible...
The Mermen, an instrumental psychedelic and surf rock band comprised of three white men, sit on boulders by an ocean. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "the MERMEN. photo by Jay Blakesberg...
The Messengers, a Kansas City band comprised of four white men, one white woman and includes Monique Danielle, all standing in a recording studio. Printed on the bottom left-hand corner of the...
Mezcal Brothers
The Mezcal Brothers, an American rockabilly band comprised of four white men, stand on stage performing with shimmering drapes behind them. Printed in the margin above the photograph, "The Mezcal...
Michael Foster Project
New Orleans jazz ensemble Michael Foster Project gather around a jukebox in Donna's Bar & Grill in New Orleans, Louisiana as they hold their instruments. Donna's Bar+Grill is painted on the wall...
Michael Hill's Blues Mob
Michael Hill's Blues Mob, a blues band comprised of four African American men, stand and grin at the photographer in African dress. Michael Hill leans out as he play a cigar box guitar. Printed in the...