Ark Band
The Ark Band, a glam rock band comprised of six African American men and one white man, sit and stand around a small round table in a bar wearing uniforms from approximately during the Mexican...
Billy Bacon and the Forbidden Pigs
Billy Bacon stands between the two Forbidden Pigs, holding them apart with his hands while they have mouths open as if yelling. They all wear suits. Printed below the photograph in the margin, "Billy...
Billy Branch and the Sons of Blues
Billy Branch and the Sons of Blues, a band comprised of four African American men. Two wear cowboy hats. One at the top of the photo wears a backwards ball cap. Printed in the margin below the...
Billy Branch and the Sons the Blues
Billy Branch and the Sons of Blues. Two band members wear cowboy hats. One member at the top of the photo wears a backwards ball cap. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "PolyGram Records...
Cotton Candy and four unidentified men
Blues singer Cotton Candy sits in the center of four unidentified white men, all wearing fedora hats. The men sit on the chair's arm rests and on the floor in front of the chair.
Doug Sahm
Country and rock musician Doug Sahm grins as he stands on stage playing an acoustic 12-string guitar while wearing a cowboy hat, sunglasses, and a business suit jacket. Another musician stands behind...
Hackberry Ramblers
The Hackberry Ramblers, a Cajun music band comprised of seven white men, stand on a porch with each of their right hands resting on the porch railing and each wearing a light colored cowboy hat...
Indigo Swing
Indigo Swing, a jazz swing band, here with a photograph of three of its members. The three white men stand in a doorway all wearing business suits and fedora hats. The man on the left holds a...
Indigo Swing
Indigo Swing, a swing jazz band comprised of six white men, stand and sit on the sidewalk outside of a brick building with arched windows. Johnny Boyd, far to the left, looks down directly at the...
Liz Barnez with a group of people
Blues and Country guitarist and vocalist Liz Barnez sits on a tall stool in the center of an unidentified group of four white men and one white woman standing around her. The man on the farthest left...
ReBirth Brass Band
ReBirth Brass Band, a bayou funk band from New Orleans comprised of eight African American men who stand in a group together with their arms crossed all wearing matching ReBirth hoodies. Most wear...