Mudbone, a band comprised of three African American men and one white man performing on stage.
Mudbone, a band comprised of four white men and one African American man, sit in a room beside the corner pocket of a pool table.
Mudcat Blues Band
Mudcat Blues Band, comprised of three white men and one African American man, sit, crouch, and stand by a rock wall. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Mudcat Blues Band, Contact:" Printed...
Murali Coryell, Bill Foster, and Rod Gross
Bassist Murali Coryell, holding a guitar on his lap; drummer Bill Foster, and drummer Rod Gross sit in front of him for the cover of the album titled, 2120. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Natty Nation
Natty Nation, a reggae and roots music band comprised of four African American men, and one white man, standing outside in a half circle with all of their hands on a metal globe outline of Atlas...
Natty Nation
Natty Nation, a reggae and roots music band comprised of five African American men, stand in front of a brick wall and mug for the camera. Printed in the margin above the photograph, "Natty Nation...
Nerak Roth Patterson Band
Nerak Roth Patterson Band, a blues band comprised of five African American men and one white man, in a montage of portrait photographs on a solid black background. Printed in the margin below the...
New Flavor Reggae
New Flavor Reggae, are a Hawaiian reggae duo comprised of an African American man and a Hawaiian man. One crouches and the other bends forward to have their photograph taken with a group of three...
One Eyed Jax
Blues trio One Eyed Jax lean against a brick wall with their arms crossed over their chests and wearing dark leather jackets. Vince Agwada is on the left. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
One People
One People, an American reggae band comprised of five men: one Asian American, two African American, one white, and one East Indian American. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "One People...
Otis Rush - Mighty Flyers
A split photograph of the band Mighty Flyers on the left and Otis Rush on the right. The Mighty Flyers, a blues band comprised of one white woman sitting on a traveling case hugging an animal print...
Paramount Singers
Paramount Singers, a gospel singing group of six African American men, stand on the steps of a clapboard building wearing matching business suits and look at the camera. Printed in the margin below...
Pawn Shop
The Pawn Shop, a blues band comprised of two white men and two African American men, smile at the camera as they have their arms around each other. The man in the back holds a harmonica and a man in...
Pharaohs with Sir Charles L. "Ki" Handy, in a montage of photographs on top of hand drawn logos of African American (likely) musicians and one white male percussionist. Handwritten in the margin below...
Phat Phunktion
Phat Phunktion, a funk and soul band comprised of six white men, one African American man, and one white woman, stand together mostly dressed in dark suits, and give the "gunpoint" to the photographer...
Philo, a band comprised of one African American man and two white men, stand, smiling, in a doorway in a head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "PHILO. For Booking call:...
Pierre D'entremont, Speedy Huggins and Rene Funderburgh
Pierre D'entremont (left), Speedy Huggins (center), and Rene Funderburgh (right) pose together for a photograph. Speedy Huggins wears a flat cap and a business suit. Time stamped on the bottom right...
Porterhouse, a funk and soul band comprised of one African American man and three white men, lean against a clapboard wall and look directly at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Professor's Blues Review featuring Gloria Hardiman
Professor's Blues Review featuring Gloria Hardiman, is a blues band comprised of four African American men who stand behind Gloria Hardiman, blues singer, who sits in an upholstered chair in front of...
Project Object with special guest Ike Willis
Project Object with special guest Ike Willis, is a rock band comprised of five white men and two African American men standing and sitting on stage as they perform. Printed in the margin below the...
Promotional still from the movie "Crossroads"
Promotional still from the movie "Crossroads". Walking across a clapboard bridge are the actors Ralph Macchio, Jami Gertz, and Joe Seneca. Each actor carries a case and Ralph also has an electric...
R.J. and Kid Morgan Blues Band (featuring Percy Strother!)
The R.J. and Kid Morgan Blues Band featuring Percy Strother stand together performing. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "the R.J. & Kid Morgan Blues Band (featuring Percy Strother!). Blue...
R.J. and Kid Morgan Blues Band featuring Percy Strother!
R.J. and Kid Morgan Blues Band featuring Percy Strother, is a Chicago blues group comprised of one African American man and four white men. Band members stand around Strother holding their instruments...
Radio Kings
The Radio Kings, a blues band comprised of one African American man and three white men, who stand outside and look seriously at the camera. The band member on the right has his arms crossed. Printed...
ReBirth Brass Band
ReBirth Brass Band, bayou funk band from New Orleans comprised of eight African American men who wear matching ReBirth t-shirts. Six of the band members stand and hold their instruments and laugh as...