Dan Hicks
Dan Hicks, rock singer and guitarist, smiles at the photographer in a head-shot photographer. He wears a dark leather jacket. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Dan Hicks."
Dan Hicks
Rock vocalist and guitarist Dan Hicks smiles as he stands looking over a porch railing down at the camera. He rests his guitar across the railing. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "On the...
Danny Morris Band
Blues guitarist Danny Morris, of the Danny Morris Band, closes his eyes as he bends his head down toward a guitar that he is playing. Microphones are in the dark background. Printed in the margin...
Darrell Nulisch and the Crawl
Darrell Nulisch, blues harmonica player and singer, stands center stage at the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri and lifts his left hand toward the ceiling and holds a microphone to his mouth...
Dave Alvin
Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Dave Alvin sits and holds an electric guitar by the neck with the body resting on his thigh and the neck by his face. He peeks at the camera to the side of the guitar...
Dave Alvin
Americana guitarist and vocalist Dave Alvin threads his fingers at his chin and stares directly at the photographer. Printed below the photograph in the margin, "Hightone Records, 220 4th St., #101...
Dave Alvin
Americana guitarist and vocalist Dave Alvin sits with an electric guitar standing up on his left thigh held by both his hands as he peeks at the photographer from the right side of the neck. He wears...
Dave Davies
Guitarist Dave Davies opens his mouth wide as he plays an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Dave Davies. Koch Records [logo], 740 Broadway, New York, NY 10003, phone - 212...
Dave Mason
Rock guitarist and vocalist Dave Mason in a close-up profile photograph from his left side. He wears a dark leather jacket. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Dave Mason. P.O.W [logo]. Tel...
Dave Thompson
Dave Thompson, blues guitarist and singer, sits on the back support of a couch with an electric guitar resting on his left knee as he looks off to the right. He wears a dark cowboy hat. The wall...
David Clark
David Clark, a guitarist from Cochran, Georgia, sits in the woods and laughs as he looks to the left. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "David Clark. P.O. Box 148, Cochran, Ga. 31014, dclark...
David Hull of the David Hull Blues Band
Blues guitarist David Hull, of the David Hull Blues Band, tips his sunglasses down to show his eyes and smiles at the photographer. He holds the headstock of an electric guitar in his left hand...
David Rawlings
Guitarist David Rawlings looks seriously straight ahead as he plays an acoustic guitar. The headstock of a Gibson guitar is on the left center of the photograph. Printed in the margin below the...
Dean Hall
Blues musician Dean Hall squats on a packing case with bare legs and hugging an electric guitar to his chest. He looks seriously at the photographer. The light comes from his right. His left side is...
Deb Pasternak
Guitarist and vocalist Deb Pasternak rests both of her hands between her legs on the barstool she sits on. She grins directly at the camera. Printed in the margin to the right of the photograph,...
Debbie Davies
Blues guitarist Debbie Davies stands in front of a clapboard wall with peeling paint and smiles. She wears a slouch hat and holds an electric guitar. A rocking chair is behind her and to her right...
Debbie Davies
Blues guitarist Debbie Davies stands with her head slightly tilted forward and looks back up at the camera as she plays an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Photo: Pat...
Debbie Davies Band
Debbie Davies Band, a blues band comprised of one white woman and two white men, stand in front of a draped backdrop and laugh. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Alan Hager. Debbie Davies...
Deborah Coleman
Blues guitarist Deborah Coleman looks down at an electric guitar she is playing. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Deborah Coleman. Blind Pig Recording Artist. Represented exclusively by...
Deborah Coleman
Blues guitarist Deborah Coleman hugs an electric guitar to her body. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Photo: Pat Johnson. Deborah Coleman. Blind Pig Recording Artist. Blind Pig [logo]."
Deke Dickerson
Rockabilly guitarist Deke Dickerson stands holding two guitars whose bodies are resting at his feet and he steadies them by the necks. Three women sit and lie around his feet with 7" records and...
Derek Trucks
Blues and rock guitarist Derek Trucks, who formed the Derek Trucks Band, sits in front of a barn wall playing a resonator guitar as he looks off to the left. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Dick Dale
Surf rock guitarist Dick Dale stands in a desert playing an electric guitar as he wears a dark fringe leather jacket and dark pants. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "High Desert. Dick Dale...
Don Haney
Don Haney, blues guitarist and singer, sits on a step holding a guitar and wearing sunglasses as he leans on his left elbow. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Don Haney."
Don McMinn
Blues guitarist Don McMinn curls the fingers of his left hand under his chin as he looks seriously at the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed up the left side of the photograph, "Don...