Chris Duarte
Chris Duarte, guitarist for the Chris Duarte Group, stands outside by a building and leans a bit to his right as he wears a dark beret, a dark jacket, and laughs.
Chris Duarte
Chris Duarte, guitarist for the Chris Duarte Group, holds an electric guitar over his left shoulder as he wears a dark beret, dark leather jacket, and a keyboard tie.
Chris Duarte Group
Chris Duarte, blues guitarist for the Chris Duarte Group, rests his arms to his side and lets the electric guitar hang from the shoulder strap as he wears a knit cap, sleeveless t-shirt, and...
Chris Duarte Group
Blues guitarist Chris Duarte, of the Chris Duarte Group, stands in the aisle of a bus or subway car with an electric guitar hanging from a shoulder strap as Chris holds the seat supports on either...
Chris Smither
Blues vocalist and guitarist Chris Smither sits forward in a wooden chair and rests his elbows on his knees to hold an acoustic guitar by the neck and rest the body on the floor between his feet. He...
Chris Smither
Blues vocalist and guitarist Chris Smither rests his chin on his curled left hand that rests on the side of the body of a guitar Chris is holding in his lap. His right hand hugs the body of the guitar...
Chris Smither
Blues guitarist and vocalist Chris Smither holds a guitar in his right hand with the neck pointed towards the ground, as he stands outside a corrugated steel wall and smiles off to the right. He wears...
Chris Smither
Blues vocalist and guitarist Chris Smither crosses his arms and his ankles as he leans against a stucco wall. He wears a dark jacket, pants, and boots. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Chris Thomas King
Blues vocalist and guitarist Chris Thomas King wears sunglasses in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Chris Thomas King. 21CB records [logo]. Scotti Bros...
Chris Thomas King
Blues vocalist and guitarist Chris Thomas King stands on a palm tree-lined sidewalk, holding a guitar case and looking to the right. The windows of the building he stands beside are barred. Printed in...
Cleveland Fats
Blues guitarist and vocalist Cleveland Fats hugs his guitar to his chest and looks seriously at the photographer. He wears a flat cap and a light colored suit jacket. Printed in the margin below the...
Coco Montoya
Blues guitarist Coco Montoya looks directly at the camera as he plays a left-handed electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Coco Montoya. Photo: Pat Johnson Studios. Blind Pig...
Coco Montoya
Blues guitarist Coco Montoya looks directly at the camera with his hand resting on the neck of a guitar he holds in his lap. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Coco Montoya. Photo: Jim...
Coco Montoya
Blues guitarist Coco Montoya looks down and leans to the side while playing a left handed electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Coco Montoya. Alligator Records, P.O. Box 60234...
Coco Montoya
Blues guitarist Coco Montoya closes his eyes and winces as he leans to the side while playing a left-handed electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Coco Montoya. Booking: Rosebud...
Corey Harris
Blues guitarist and vocalist Corey Harris looks to the camera from one side of the neck of a guitar. He holds the neck with both hands on which he wears a steel slide and rhythm rings. Printed in the...
Corey Stevens
Blues guitarist and vocalist Corey Stevens crouches down in front of a wooden fence with chipping paint and looks seriously at the camera. He holds an electric guitar between his legs. He wears a dark...
Corey Stevens
Blues guitarist and singer Corey Stevens shown from an angle from his feet up to his head, stands on stage playing an electric guitar. He wears a dark rimmed straw cowboy hat. Printed in the margin...
Corey Stevens
Blues guitarist and vocalist Corey Stevens smiles as he holds the neck of a resonator guitar up by his face in a close-up photograph. He wears a straw cowboy hat with a metal medallion on the hatband...
Craig Erickson
Blues guitarist and vocalist Craig Erickson sits on a bar stool with an electric guitar on his, a Rivera amplifier on the floor to his left and bongos on the floor to his right. Printed in the margin...
Craig Horton
Blues guitarist Craig Horton closes his eyes and looks down as he plays an electric guitar and sits behind a microphone on a tall stool. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Bad Daddy Records...
Crying Rhinos
The Crying Rhinos, a local Kansas City punk rock band comprised of four white men, in a collage of four photographs of each band member playing an instrument. Printed in the margin below the...
Reggae guitarist and vocalist Cryout is photographed from below as he stands holding an electric guitar with his right hand and looks down wearing sunglasses. Printed in the margin below the...
Dale Peterson
Blues guitarist Dale Peterson crosses his arms and looks off to the right as he leans on the wheel well of a vintage car. Printed on the upper left-hand corner of the photograph, "Dale Peterson."...
Dale Peterson
Blues guitarist Dale Peterson closes his eyes and looks to the right as he plays an electric guitar on stage. A banner behind him says, "House of Blues." There is also a drum set behind him.