Mudcat Blues Band
Mudcat Blues Band, comprised of three white men and one African American man, sit, crouch, and stand by a rock wall. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Mudcat Blues Band, Contact:" Printed...
Murali Coryell, Bill Foster, and Rod Gross
Bassist Murali Coryell, holding a guitar on his lap; drummer Bill Foster, and drummer Rod Gross sit in front of him for the cover of the album titled, 2120. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Nappy Brown
Blues musician Nappy Brown smiles at the photographer as he holds a cigarette up with his left hand. He wears a flat cap and a leather jacket. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Nappy Brown...
Nate Turner
Nate Turner, blues guitarist, bass player, and singer, looks toward his right shoulder at the camera with his mouth open in a circle. He wears a guitar pin on his lapel, a felt fedora hat, a bow tie...
Nathan Williams
Zydeco accordion player Nathan Williams rests his hand over the edge of the keyboard on an accordion that rests on his lap as he smiles at the camera. He wears a dark cowboy hat and sunglasses.
Nathan Williams (Nathan and the Zydeco Cha Chas)
Zydeco accordionist Nathan Williams wears designer sunglasses and a light cowboy hat as he holds the keyboard of an accordion up by his face in a close-up photograph. Printed in the margin below the...
Natty Nation
Natty Nation, a reggae and roots music band comprised of four African American men, and one white man, standing outside in a half circle with all of their hands on a metal globe outline of Atlas...
Natty Nation
Natty Nation, a reggae and roots music band comprised of five African American men, stand in front of a brick wall and mug for the camera. Printed in the margin above the photograph, "Natty Nation...
Nerak Roth Patterson Band
Nerak Roth Patterson Band, a blues band comprised of five African American men and one white man, in a montage of portrait photographs on a solid black background. Printed in the margin below the...
New Flavor
New Flavor, a Hawaiian reggae duo of an African American man and a Hawaiian man, stand on a path to a forest and look back at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "New Flavor. Ruff...
New Flavor Reggae
New Flavor Reggae, are a Hawaiian reggae duo comprised of an African American man and a Hawaiian man. One crouches and the other bends forward to have their photograph taken with a group of three...
Nick Colionne
Nick Colionne, guitarist, singer, and keyboardist, stands by an electric guitar and case leaning against the wall in front of him. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Nick Colionne Guitarist...
Norris Turner
Jazz saxophonist Norris Turner sits smiling at the camera and holding an alto saxophone with both hands. He wears a double breasted business suit. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Norris...
One Eyed Jax
Blues trio One Eyed Jax lean against a brick wall with their arms crossed over their chests and wearing dark leather jackets. Vince Agwada is on the left. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
One People
One People, an American reggae band comprised of five men: one Asian American, two African American, one white, and one East Indian American. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "One People...
Oteil Burbridge
Oteil is a jazz, funk, soul, and rock musician who plays bass guitar, guitar, drums, banjo and the clarinet, and is the bandleader of the Peacemakers. Hee holds a Modulus electric guitar upright from...
Otis Clay
Blues vocalist Otis Clay raises his arm in the air and points up as he closes his eyes and grimaces as he sings into a microphone. He wears a button-down, long-sleeved shirt with a dark-colored yoke...
Otis Clay
Blues vocalist Otis Clay scowls to his left as he holds a microphone. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Otis Clay c/o Rooster Blues / Jim O'Neal 312 - 281 - 3385, Photo / Larry Kodani."
Otis Clay
Blues vocalist Otis Clay closes his eyes and opens his mouth wide as he sings into a microphone in his right hand. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Otis Clay. Marty Salzman Management...
Otis Clay performing
Otis Clay, funk, soul and gospel singer, looks to the left with a grimace and holds a microphone in his left hand as he is performing. He wears a v-neck sweater and a necklace that has an album type...
Paramount Singers
Paramount Singers, a gospel singing group of six African American men, stand on the steps of a clapboard building wearing matching business suits and look at the camera. Printed in the margin below...
Percy Strother
Percy Strother, electric blues guitarist, sits on a footstool and rests one foot on a step of the stool as he plays an electric guitar and smiles toward the camera. He wears a straw cowboy hat...
Percy Strother
Percy Strother, electric blues guitarist in a close-up, head-shot photograph, tips the brim of a light-colored fedora hat with a wide floral hatband. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Percy...
Percy Strother
Electric blues guitarist Percy Strother tips the brim of a light-colored fedora hat with a wide floral hatband.
Percy Strother
Percy Strother, electric blues guitarist, stands with his fedora hat cocked to one side playing an electric guitar. He wears a velvet jacket and velvet pants. Printed in the margin below the...