New York Jimmy and the Jive Five
New York Jimmy and the Jive Five, a jazz, blues, and swing band comprised of six white men dressed in vintage business suits and fedora hats, stand in a group and look up at the camera. Printed in the...
Norris Turner
Jazz saxophonist Norris Turner sits smiling at the camera and holding an alto saxophone with both hands. He wears a double breasted business suit. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Norris...
Oteil Burbridge
Oteil is a jazz, funk, soul, and rock musician who plays bass guitar, guitar, drums, banjo and the clarinet, and is the bandleader of the Peacemakers. Hee holds a Modulus electric guitar upright from...
Pele Juju
Pele Juju, a band playing jazz, reggae, folk, world, and country music and comprised of all white women, laugh as they stand or crouch together outside together in front of palms. Printed in the...
Priscilla Bowman
Priscilla Bowman, a jazz and rhythm and blues singer from Kansas City, Kansas, smiles at the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph in front of a poster of a much younger Priscilla Bowman.
Robin Dean
Robin Dean, jazz drummer and songwriter, in a close-up, head-shot wearing a flat cap. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Robin Dean."
Rufas Harley
Jazz bagpiper Rufas Harley closes his eyes as he blows into the bagpipes. He wears full Scottish costume. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Rufus Harley, The World's First Jazz Bag Pipe...
Rumba Club
Rumba Club, a Latin jazz and fusion band comprised of several white men and several Latino men, stand together by drums and look up at the camera and smile or laugh. Printed in the margin below the...
Ruth Brown
Ruth Brown, an R&B, soul, jazz, and blues singer, in a split photograph. In the top she looks up and to the left. In the bottom she looks to the right. Printed in the right margin the photograph,...
Ryan Cohan
Ryan Cohan, jazz pianist, in a head-shot photograph rests his left hand across his chin.
SCHFViLKUS, a jazz band comprised of five white men, lean against a brick wall while one band member crouches down. They are all in dark clothing. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Speak Easy Spies
Speak Easy Spies, a jazz and blues band comprised of four white men and one white woman, sit and stand on a staircase wearing business suits. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Speak Easy...
Speedy Huggins
Jazz drummer and dancer Speedy Huggins sits at a bar and leans his head on his left hand that holds a cigarette. A glass with a drink in it sits on the bar in front of him. He wears a striped suit...
Speedy Huggins
Jazz drummer and dancer Speedy Huggins sits and looks to his left at the photographer. He wears a graphic print short-sleeved shirt.
Stanley Jordan
Jazz guitarist Stanley Jordan, looks directly at the photographer as he is on, possibly, a fire escape outside of a building, in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the...
Stanley Jordan
Jazz guitarist Stanley Jordan barely smiles as he looks directly at the camera. He wears an embroidered vest over a button-down shirt. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Stanley Jordan. apa...
Stanley Jordon
Jazz guitarist Stanley Jordon sits with his arms hugging the neck of a guitar. He wears a heavy sweater. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Stanley Jordan. apa. Agency for the Performing...
Steve Reid
Steve Reid, jazz percussionist, leans back on a wall of rocks and smiles directly at the camera with his hands crossed in his lap. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Steve Reid. Telarc jazz...
Sun Ra
Jazz pianist Sun Ra looks directly at the camera and sits with this fingers interlaced on his lap as he wears a shiny robe, a chain mail cap with a glittered brim that dips down over this temples and...
Sun Ra
Jazz pianist Sun Ra wears chain mail head cover with a cap over that, a large necklace and a robe in a close-up, head-shot photograph. There is a sunburst affect added over his face in the photograph.
Sweet Baby J'ai
Sweet Baby J'ai, jazz singer, stands on stage with a double bass player and a drum set on either side of her. She plays a rubboard and wears a traditional head covering. Printed in the margin below...
Sweet Baby J'ai
Sweet Baby J'ai, jazz singer, turns her head to the right and smiles at the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph. She wears a dark hat with a flower on the brim. Printed in the margin below the...
Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal, a blues and jazz musician, looks at the camera as he plays a resonator guitar. He wears a straw hat with a contrasting hatband and two necklaces. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal, a blues and jazz musician, looks at the camera as he plays a resonator guitar. He wears a straw hat with a contrasting hatband and two necklaces. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal, blues and jazz musician, sits in a booth at a diner and smokes a cigar as he wears a straw hat and wears sunglasses. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Private Music. Taj Mahal."...