Lonnie Brooks
Blues vocalist and guitarist Lonnie Brooks, wearing a cowboy hat and a shirt with a striped yoke, leans to his left as he play an electric guitar and smiles at the photographer. Printed in the margin...
Lonnie Brooks
Blues vocalist and guitarist Lonnie Brooks, wearing a cowboy hat and a shirt with a striped yoke, leans to his left as he play an electric guitar and smiles at the photographer. Printed in the margin...
Lonnie Brooks
Blues vocalist and guitarist Lonnie Brooks, looks to his right with a big grin while he wears a cowboy hat and holds his left hand around the neck of a guitar. Printed in the margin below the...
Lonnie Brooks and Lonnie Mack
Blues guitarist and vocalist Lonnie Brooks and blues and rock vocalist and guitarist Lonnie Mack perform on the stage of the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri. A keyboardists sits between them...
Lonnie Mack
Blues guitarist Lonnie Mack closes his eyes as he stands and sings into a microphone and plays an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Alligator [logo]. Lonnie Mack. Photo...
Lonnie Mack
Blues guitarist Lonnie Mack looks directly at the camera from under the brim of a ball cap as he holds an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Lonnie Mack. Epic 8807. c1988...
Lonnie Shields
Lonnie Shields, blues guitarist and singer, smiles at the camera as he wears a tuxedo with a bow tie and a boutonniere. The neck of a guitar he is playing is in the photograph. Printed in the margin...
Loudon Wainwright III
Singer and guitarist Loudon Wainwright III pointing to the left, stands as he gets a profile photograph taken. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Loudon Wainwright III. the rosebud agency, P...
Loudon Wainwright III
Loudon Wainwright III, a singer and guitarist, with his right index finger in his right ear, gives a slight smile to the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph.
Louisiana Red
Louisiana Red, blues guitarist, harmonica player, and singer, rests one elbow on his bent knee and the other elbow on the bottom of the body an acoustic guitar that is neck down toward the floor. He...
Louisiana Red
Louisiana Red, blues guitarist, harmonica player, and singer, leans on his left hand as his elbow rests on a table and holds an acoustic guitar by the neck by his right shoulder. He wears sunglasses.
Lucky Peterson
Lucky Peterson, blues guitarist, piano player, and organist, wears sunglasses as he looks at the camera with the neck of a Gibson guitar visible on the right side of his body. Printed in the margin...
Lucky Peterson
Lucky Peterson, blues guitarist, piano player, and organist, stands between the keyboards of an organ and a piano as he hugs the neck of an electric jazz guitar. Printed in the margin below the...
Luther 'Houserocker' Johnson
Luther 'Houserocker' Johnson, blues guitarist and singer, sings into a microphone with his eyes closed and plays an electric guitar. Another band member is on the left side of the photograph and...
Luther 'Houserocker' Johnson
Blues guitarist and vocalist Luther 'Houserocker' Johnson closes his eyes as he sings into a microphone and plays an electric guitar. He wears a three-piece suit and a straw hat. Printed in the margin...
Luther "Guitar Junior" Johnson
Blues guitarist Luther "Guitar Junior" Johnson sits on a chair in front of a brick wall with peeling paint and looks down at the neck of an electric guitar that he is playing. A beam of light shines...
Luther Allison
Blues guitarist Luther Allison grins as he plays a guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Booking: the rosebud agency, P.O Box 170429, San Francisco, CA 64117, (415)386-3456, Fax: (415...
Luther Allison
Blues guitarist Luther Allison winces as he plays a guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Booking: the rosebud agency, P.O Box 170429, San Francisco, CA 64117, (415)386-3456, Fax: (415...
Luther Allison
Blues guitarist Luther Allison hugs an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Thomas Ruf Production, Kirchstr. 24, 37318 Lindewerra, Fon (49)-(0) 5652-958600, Fax (49)-(0) 5652...
Luther Allison
Blues guitarist Luther Allison winces as he plays a guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Booking: The rosebud agency, P.O Box 170429, San Francisco, CA 64117, (415)386-3456, Fax: (415...
Luther Guitar Jr. Johnson
Blues guitarist and vocalist Luther Guitar Jr. Johnson closes his eyes as he plays a guitar on stage with an unidentified band of four white men at the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri. A sign...
Madcat and Kane
Madcat and Kane, a blues duo comprised of harmonica player Peter 'Madcat' Ruth, and guitarist Shari Kane. Madcat is laughing as he stands with his hands in his pockets as Kane leans her back on his...
Madeleine Peyroux
Madeleine Peyroux, jazz guitarist and singer, smiles to the left as she plays an acoustic guitar that rests on her lap. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "madeleine peyroux. Atlantic [logo]...
Magic Dick and Jay Geils - Bluestime
Magic Dick and Jay Geils stand together as Magic Dick (left) holds a harmonica in both hands, and Jay Geils (right) holds an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Magic Dick &...
Magic Slim
Blues guitarist and singer Magic Slim sings into a microphone as he plays a Fender Jazzmaster electric guitar. He wears a light colored straw hat with a feather hatband. Printed in the margin below...