Frankie Lee
Blues singer Frankie Lee in a split panel of two photographs. In the photograph on the left, he leans his face on his right fist. In the right photograph, he makes a fist with his right hand and bends...
Frankie Lee performing in crowd at the Grand Emporium
Frankie Lee, a blues, R&B, and soul singer, stands down on the dance floor among the audience, with his mouth wide open as he sings into a microphone he is holding while performing at the Grand...
Freekbass, a funk metal band comprised of four white men and one African American man, stand in a lobby while Freekbass holds a custom electric bass and wears sunglasses and a cowboy hat. Printed in...
Fruteland Jackson
Blues guitarist Fruteland Jackson stands in front of damaged louvered doors and a wooden fence. He wears a newsboy cap and an overcoat over overalls and a plaid shirt. He holds a blues guitar by the...
Fruteland Jackson
Blues guitarist Fruteland Jackson stands in front of a wall with peeling paint wearing sunglasses and a newsboy cap. He holds an acoustic guitar by the neck with both hands. Printed in the margin...
Garaj Mahal
Garaj Mahal, a jazz-fusion ensemble comprised of three white men and one African American man, stand outside. A factory smokestack is behind them. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Blue...
Geno Delafose
Zydeco accordionist and vocalist Geno Delafose smiles and looks up as he rests his hands on an accordion that is only partially in the close-up photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
George Howard
George Howard, jazz saxophonist, looks up and to the right toward the camera as he holds up a soprano saxophone with his right hand. He wears a graphic print sweater.
George Howard
Jazz saxophonist George Howard slants his eyes up and to the right toward the camera as he holds up a soprano saxophone with his right hand. He wears a graphic print sweater. Printed in the margin...
George Howard
Jazz saxophonist George Howard smiles at the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "George Howard. grp [logo]." Printed in the right margin, "Photo...
Ges Work
Ges Work, a jazz ensemble comprised of four African American men and two African American women, on a street standing and sitting on and around a Ford car. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Ges Work
Ges Work, a jazz ensemble comprised of four African American men and two African American women, outdoors by a rock wall. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "For booking information contact...
Gizzae, an American reggae band comprised of five African American men, stand in a line and look seriously at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Gizzae [logo]."
Global Funk Council
Global Funk Council, a funk band comprised of Anthony Smith, Eric Bolivar, Dan Lebowitz, and Steve Adams, stand looking up at the camera. All wear a white, open-collar shirt, and dark suit jackets...
Grady Champion
A close-up photograph of Grady Champion, multi-instrumentalist blues artist, head cocked to one side, wearing a fedora and playing a Hohner harmonica. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Grady Champion
Grady Champion, multi-instrumentalist blues artist, holding a fedora in one hand and a harmonica in the other, stands in a dark suit and smiles at the photographer. Printed in the margin below the...
Grady Champion
Grady Champion, multi-instrumentalist blues artist, holding a fedora in one hand and a harmonica in the other, stands in a dark suit and smiles at the photographer. Printed in the margin below the...
Gran Torino
Gran Torino, a funk band comprised of three African American men, four white men, and one Mexican American man (possibly), stand in front of a police line-up board and look seriously at the...
Grover Washington, Jr.
Grover Washington, Jr., jazz saxophonist, leans back, closes his eyes, and blows into a saxophone.
Grover Washington, Jr.
Grover Washington, Jr., jazz saxophonist, holds a soprano saxophone across his body as he rests one foot up on a rung of a chair. He wears a checkered business suit jacket. Printed in the margin below...
Guitar Shorty
Blues guitarist Guitar Shorty stands in front of a painted brick wall, opens his mouth wide and turns his head to the left as he plays an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Guitar Shorty
Blues guitarist Guitar Shorty looks up and away from the camera as he plays an electric guitar that is inscribed with his name. He wears three lapel pins: "GS", an eighth note, and a guitar. There are...
Guitar Shorty
Blues guitarist Guitar Shorty leans against a vintage Chrysler sedan and smiles as he holds an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Black Top Records [logo], Black Top Records...
Guitar Shorty
Blues guitarist Guitar Shorty bends at the knees of his widespread legs and plays an electric guitar. He looks off to the right. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Black Top Records Paving...
Guy Davis
Blues guitarist Guy Davis sits in the backseat of a car wearing a fedora and smiling down at the acoustic guitar taking up the rest of the seat. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Red House...