Olivier Giraud
French musician Olivier Giraud is standing holding a cigarette in one hand and a drink in the other on a sailboat that is out on a body of water. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Olivier...
Otis Grand
Blues guitarist Otis Grand and possibly Anson Funderburgh, also a blues guitarist, from the back, sit at a table in an empty restaurant with a few beers in glasses on the table. They both turn to look...
Robert "Bilbo" Walker
Robert "Bilbo" Walker, blues guitarist, does the duck walk down a dirt road as he plays an electric guitar. A Lincoln limousine is parked on the side of the road behind him. A field of, likely, cotton...
Silvatones, an Oklahoma funk, blues, and soul band comprised of three white men, crouch beside a wooden fence of horizontal planks. The band member on the left (Mike Hosty) wears a 1989 Rolling Stones...
Skunk River Bandits
Skunk River Bandits, a rock band comprised of four white men, stand on a porch of a house drinking beer while one band member plays an acoustic guitar. There is a grill and a seated Dalmatian dog on...
Solefish is a local Kansas City alternative rock band comprised of four white men. Two sit in the open doors on the passenger side of a van; one in the front passenger seat, one in the open sliding...
Sound Transmission
Sound Transmission, a band comprised of four white men, three of whom sit on hay bales outside a corrugated barn, one band member looking down. The fourth band member has his back to the camera and is...
Tod Wulfmeyer
Double bass player, Tod Wulfmeyer, stands by a body of water with hills on the other shore. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Tod Wulfmeyer."
Tod Wulfmeyer of 8 1/2 Souvenirs gets a tattoo
Tod Wulfmeyer, a member 8 1/2 Souvenirs, gets a tattoo on the back of his arm, The white male tattoo artist sits behind him as he works.
Unidentified group
An unidentified group of four men who look at the camera in a relaxed manner. Three wear sport jackets. The one on the left wears a dark fedora hat and a vest over a long-sleeved shirt with musical...
Unidentified group
An unidentified group of four black men sit together and smile at the camera. The man farthest to the left wears a ball cap over a hooded jacket.
Unidentified quartet
An unidentified group of four white men sit in a living room. Two are on a love seat couch and two are in front of them on bean-bag chairs. A poster for the movie, "2001 a space odyssey" is on the...
Xplicit is a rock band (likely) comprised of five white men, possibly from Missouri. The band members stand in front of a department store display window with a mannequin in it and look at the camera...
Yobosó, a Latin jazz band comprised of three white men and one African American man, stand together grinning and playing their instruments: conga drum, double bass, keyboard, and snare drums. They all...