Preston Shannon
Preston Shannon, blues guitarist and singer, smiles as he holds a guitar across his body in a close-up photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Preston Shannon. Bullseye Blues [logo]...
Preston Shannon
Preston Shannon, blues guitarist and singer, smiles as he rests his chin on his left hand and hugs the guitar body to his chest with the neck down toward the floor. Printed in the margin below the...
Professor Eddie Lusk and Karen Carroll
Chicago blues keyboard player Professor Eddie Lusk props his keyboard on its side on the ground and rests his right hand on it as he leans his left forearm on the right should of Chicago blues singer...
Professor's Blues Review featuring Gloria Hardiman
Professor's Blues Review featuring Gloria Hardiman, is a blues band comprised of four African American men who stand behind Gloria Hardiman, blues singer, who sits in an upholstered chair in front of...
Project Iroko
Project Iroko, a Cuban band comprised of three women and six men, who stand outside in front of a fence in stage costumes and holding percussion instruments. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Project Iroko
Project Iroko, a Cuban band comprised of three women and six men, who stand outside in front of a fence in stage costumes and holding percussion instruments. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Project Object with special guest Ike Willis
Project Object with special guest Ike Willis, is a rock band comprised of five white men and two African American men standing and sitting on stage as they perform. Printed in the margin below the...
Promotional still from the movie "Crossroads"
Promotional still from the movie "Crossroads". The actors, Joe Seneca, Ralph Macchio, and Robert Judd, stand outdoors talking. Robert Judd points his finger at Joe Seneca. Ralph Macchio has an...
Promotional still from the movie "Crossroads"
Promotional still from the movie "Crossroads". Walking across a clapboard bridge are the actors Ralph Macchio, Jami Gertz, and Joe Seneca. Each actor carries a case and Ralph also has an electric...
Psycho Joe and the Hipnotics
Psycho Joe and the Hipnotics, a local Kansas City blues band comprised of four white men, stand, bend, or mug for the camera as they wear zoot-suit style clothing. Their neckties are in color. Printed...
Psycho Joe and the Hipnotics
Psycho Joe and the Hipnotics, a local Kansas City blues band comprised of five white men, stand together and look seriously at the camera. The man in the center has his arms crossed. Printed in the...
Punkínhead is a funk band comprised of five white men. Three sit at the bottom of the photograph among confetti. Another one sits in front of those three with his head resting on the chest of the band...
Punkínhead, a funk band comprised of six white men, sit or stand outside on steps. The angle is from the ground up. The two seated in the front smile directly at the camera. The other four stand on a...
Pushmonkey, a rock band comprised of five white men, stand in a cement block room and look seriously at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Pushmonkey. Lone wolf Management...
Q Shan Dia
Reggae vocalist Q Shan Dia, from Union Island in St. Vincents and the Grenadines, stands on a beach holding an elaborate walking stick. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Q shan Dia. Ny-Jah...
Queen Ida
Queen Ida, zydeco accordion player and singer, grins as she plays an accordion in a close-up photograph. She wears a headband. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Queen Ida and the Bon Temps...
Quiver, a rock band comprised of four white men, sit outside a broken down Volkswagen bug holding their instruments. The band member holding a guitar case has his thumb out to hitch a ride. The other...
R.J. and Kid Morgan Blues Band (featuring Percy Strother!)
The R.J. and Kid Morgan Blues Band featuring Percy Strother stand together performing. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "the R.J. & Kid Morgan Blues Band (featuring Percy Strother!). Blue...
R.J. and Kid Morgan Blues Band featuring Percy Strother!
R.J. and Kid Morgan Blues Band featuring Percy Strother, is a Chicago blues group comprised of one African American man and four white men. Band members stand around Strother holding their instruments...
R.J. Mischo
Blues harmonica player R.J. Mischo looks up and to the right as he holds a vintage microphone in his right hand and a harmonica in his left hand. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "R.J...
R.L. Burnside
Blues guitarist R.L. Burnside wears a conical masonic [possibly?] hat and holds his hands up shoulder height with his fingers spread.. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Fat Possum Records...
R.L. Burnside with Jon Neremberg
Harmonica player Jon Beckley Morris [i.e. Nermberg] faces away from R.L. Burnside as he plays a harmonica. They are standing on railroad tracks, and facing scaffolding up to an antenna while playing...
R&B Express
The R&B Express, a blues band of five white Norwegian males, stand outside a barn wall as the man on the left holds drumsticks, the next man holds a harmonica, the man in the center and the man on the...
Rachel Riley
Comedienne Rachel Riley smiles at the camera as she holds both hands up away from her shoulders and give a backwards peace sign. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Rachel Riley." Printed on...
The Radiators, a rock band comprised of five white men, photographed in a group of three band members standing behind the two seated band members. Everyone is laughing or smiling. Printed in the...