Loaded Dice
Loaded Dice, a collage photograph of each individual member of the band, comprised of five white men. Two play guitar. One plays bass, One plays drums. One sings. Printed in the center of the...
Loaded Dice at the Millhouse Grill and Brew Pub Branson
Loaded Dice, a band comprised of five white men, is performing on the stage at the Millhouse Grill and Brew Pub in Branson, Missouri. Printed in the margin above the photograph, "Loaded Dice at the...
Local Hero
Local Hero, a reggae band from Tulsa, Oklahoma, comprised of two white men and two African American men, stand outside at what is possibly a festival. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "For...
Lois "LadyMac" McMorris
Guitarist and artist Lois "LadyMac" McMorris sits with one leg curled around a guitar in the center of her lap. She rests her elbow on the knee of her other leg and holds her hand to her brow. Printed...
Lonesome Bob
Guitarist Lonesome Bob sits outside on a step in the dark, with his hands folded underneath his chin as his elbows lean on his knees. He looks seriously slightly up and to his left at the camera. He...
Lonesome Strangers
The Lonesome Strangers, a country-rock band, comprised of two white men, sitting on a small brick wall with their feet splayed out onto a sidewalk. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "The...
Long John Hunter
Texan blues guitarist and vocalist Long John Hunter smiles directly at the camera and holds the neck of an electric guitar upright in the air in front of him. He wears a leather vest and a straw hat...
Long John Hunter
Texan blues guitarist and vocalist Long John Hunter looks off to the right and hugs the neck of an electric guitar upright on his lap. He wears a fedora hat with a wide floral print band. Printed in...
Long John Hunter
Texan blues guitarist and vocalist Long John Hunter smiles off to the left and holds an electric guitar upright to the left of his lap with both of his hands. He wears a fedora hat. Printed in the...
Lonnie Brooks
Blues vocalist and guitarist Lonnie Brooks, wearing a cowboy hat and a shirt with a striped yoke, leans to his left as he play an electric guitar and smiles at the photographer. Printed in the margin...
Lonnie Brooks
Blues vocalist and guitarist Lonnie Brooks, wearing a cowboy hat and a shirt with a striped yoke, leans to his left as he play an electric guitar and smiles at the photographer. Printed in the margin...
Lonnie Brooks
Blues vocalist and guitarist Lonnie Brooks, looks to his right with a big grin while he wears a cowboy hat and holds his left hand around the neck of a guitar. Printed in the margin below the...
Lonnie Mack
Blues guitarist Lonnie Mack closes his eyes as he stands and sings into a microphone and plays an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Alligator [logo]. Lonnie Mack. Photo...
Lonnie Mack
Blues guitarist Lonnie Mack looks directly at the camera from underneath the brim of a fedora hat with a contrasting wide hatband as he plays a Gibson Flying V electric guitar and wears an argyle...
Lonnie Mack
Blues guitarist Lonnie Mack looks directly at the camera from under the brim of a ball cap as he holds an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Lonnie Mack. Epic 8807. c1988...
Lonnie Ray and the All Stars
Lonnie Ray and the All Stars, a blues band from Lawrence, Kansas comprised of four white men and one white woman, stand by a concrete block wall and laugh with each other. The band member in the...
Lonnie Shields
Lonnie Shields, blues guitarist and singer, smiles at the camera as he wears a tuxedo with a bow tie and a boutonniere. The neck of a guitar he is playing is in the photograph. Printed in the margin...
Los Lonely Boys
Los Lonely Boys, a rock band of three Mexican American males, pose in front of the open back doors of a van full of instruments. Two members lean on each open door and the third member sits on the...
Los Straitjackets
Los Straitjackets, a rock band comprised of four white men, wear Mexican wrestling masks as they look forward at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Los Straitjackets. (c)Sears...
Los Straitjackets
Los Straitjackets, a rock band comprised of four white men, wear Mexican wrestling masks as they look forward at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Los Straitjackets. Photograph...
Loston Harris
Jazz pianist Loston Harris sits on a wooden bench looking down seriously as he crosses his hands on this lap; fingers of his left hand spread. He wears a three piece business suit. A blurred crowd is...
Lou Ann Barton
Blues vocalist Lou Ann Barton sits with her hands overlapping just under her chin. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Lou Ann Barton. Spindletop Records [logo]."
Loudon Wainwright III
Singer and guitarist Loudon Wainwright III pointing to the left, stands as he gets a profile photograph taken. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Loudon Wainwright III. the rosebud agency, P...
Loudon Wainwright III
Loudon Wainwright III, a singer and guitarist, with his right index finger in his right ear, gives a slight smile to the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph.
Louisiana Red
Louisiana Red, blues guitarist, harmonica player, and singer, rests one elbow on his bent knee and the other elbow on the bottom of the body an acoustic guitar that is neck down toward the floor. He...