Lazy Lester
Blues harmonica player Lazy Lester closes his eyes as he blows into a harmonica he holds with both hands. He wears a corduroy cowboy hat. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Lazy Lester...
Leary, a Space Rock band comprised of six white men, stand in a circle and look down at the camera on the ground in the center of the circle. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Leary. Dean...
Leavin' Dodge
Leavin' Dodge, a rock band comprised of two white women and one white man, all wearing coats and standing in the snow at the rear of a car with a Michigan license plate that reads, "Guitar". Printed...
Leaving Trains
Leaving Trains, an alternative rock band comprised of four white men, stand in front of what appears to be a cave backdrop. The band member farthest to the left wears bib overalls with one clasp...
Led Jaxson Band
The Led Jaxson Band, a blues band comprised of five white men, stand on steps smiling at the camera. Most wears suit jackets. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "The Led Jaxson Band. Black...
Lee McBee
Blues harmonica player Lee McBee looks directly into the camera as he holds a harmonica to his mouth with both hands in a close-up, head-shot photograph. This photograph is imposed over another...
Lee McBee
Blues harmonica player Lee McBee looks directly into the camera as he holds a harmonica to his mouth with both hands in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Lee Rocker
Lee Rocker, rockabilly double bass player, looks sadly at the camera wearing an animal print jacket and standing in front of an animal print backdrop. He holds the double bass across his body. Printed...
Lee Rocker
Rockabilly double bassist Lee Rocker looks to his right wearing sunglasses as he stands under a tent playing the double bass. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Lee Rocker.
Lee Rocker and Scotty Moore
Rockabilly musicians Lee Rocker and Scotty Moore stand outside and smile at the camera. Scotty holds a guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Lee Rocker and Scotty Moore." Handwritten in...
Leftover Salmon
Leftover Salmon, a folk-rock band comprised of five white men, sit in theater chairs reading pages from a newspaper. The two in the front have torn holes in the paper so that just their eyes are seen...
Legal Weapon
Legal Weapon, a punk band comprised of three white men and one white woman, stand around a coupe and look up at the camera. All wear some form of dark leather. Printed on the top right-from-center of...
Legendary Blues Band
Legendary Blues Band (L-R: 'Piano Willie' O'Shawny ; Mark 'Madison Slim' Koenig ; Willie 'Big Eyes' Smith ; John Duich ; Calvin 'Fuzz' Jones) stand between two brick buildings in back of a parked car...
Legendary Joe Houston
Legendary jazz saxophonist Joe Houston turns to look back over his right shoulder and point at the camera. He wears a flat cap and sunglasses. He has a saxophone strap around his neck. Printed in the...
Leon Russell
Leon Russell, blues pianist and singer, looks off to the right wearing sunglasses in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the right margin, "photo: Glenn Hall."
Leroy Shakespheare - Ship of Vibes
Leroy Shakespheare and Ship of Vibes, a Jamaican reggae band comprised of three white men and two black men, stand outside under a tree and smile to the left. Printed across the bottom of the...
Leroy Shakespheare and the Ship of Vibes
Leroy Shakespheare and the Ship of Vibes, a Jamaican reggae band comprised of four white men and one black man, stand and sit in a group and look directly at the camera in a close-up photograph...
Leslie Clemmons
Vocalist Leslie Clemmons stands outdoors smiling as she looks up. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Leslie Clemmons."
Let's Go Bowling
Let's Go Bowling, a ska band comprised of seven white men from Fresno, California, stand or squat by the side of a taco truck eating off paper plates; their bottles of soft drinks set on the ground...
Letterpress Opry
The Letterpress Opry, an alternative country band comprised of three white men and one white woman are outside holding their instruments. The two men in front, a drummer and an upright bass player...
Lil' Brian
Zydeco accordionist Lil' Brian sits on an accordion case on a porch and leans against a galvanized steel wall. He rests his right elbow on an accordion that is on top of the case as he smiles. He...
Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials
Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials is a blues band comprised of two African American men and two white men. Lil' Ed is on his knees and leaning back as he plays an electric guitar and wears a tall fez...
Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials
Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials, a blues band comprised of two African American men and two white men, stand together and smile as they hold their instruments. Printed in the margin below the...
Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials
Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials, a blues band comprised of two African American men and three white men, stand together and smile as they hold their instruments. The saxophonist positions his fingers...
Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials
Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials, a blues band comprised of two African American men and two white men, stand together and smile as they hold their instruments. Printed in the margin below the...