Johnny Winter
Blues and Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Johnny Winter, in profile from his right side, has a microphone at his mouth and a slight smile in a close-up, head-shot photograph. He wears a dark cowboy...
Johnny Winter
Blues and Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Johnny Winter, in profile from his right side, has a microphone at his mouth and a slight smile in a close-up, head-shot photograph. He wears a dark cowboy...
Johnny Winter
Blues and Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Johnny Winter laughs as he stands and plays an Erlewine Lazer guitar. He wears a dark cowboy hat with feather and snake skull hatband and dark leather suit...
Johnny Winter
Blues and Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Johnny Winter looks down at an electric Lazer guitar he is playing with the stage lights behind him. He wears a cowboy hat that obscures his face, no shirt...
Jon Dee Graham
Rock vocalist Jon Dee Graham covers his mouth with his left hand as he holds a cigarette that is lit. He wears a fedora hat. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "David McLarty Agency, (512)...
Jon Dee Graham
Rock vocalist Jon Dee Graham puts his left fist in his left eye socket as he looks down and smiles with closed eyes. He wears a fedora hat. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Jon Dee Graham...
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, a blues-rock band comprised of three white men, stand together and look seriously at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "the jon spencer blues...
Jon-Paul Johnson and The Third Degree
Jon-Paul Johnson and The Third Degree, a rock band comprised of three white men, stand together looking seriously at the camera as they hold their instruments. Jon-Paul is in the center holding an...
Jonathan Butler
South African guitarist and vocalist Jonathan Butler looks directly at the photographer with a slight smile. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Jonathan Butler. ABC [logo] Associated Booking...
Jonathan Butler
South African guitarist and vocalist Jonathan Butler folds his hands under his chin and looks directly at the photographer in a head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Jonny Lang
Blues guitarist and vocalist Jonny Lang in two separate portrait photographs side by side. In the photograph on the left he looks down seriously at the neck of an electric guitar he is playing as he...
Jonny Lang
Jonny Lang, blues, gospel, and rock guitarist and vocalist, closes his eyes as he sings into a microphone he holds in his left hand. A guitar, mostly out of the picture, hangs from a strap around his...
Josh Joplin Group
Josh Joplin Group, a rock group comprised of four white men, stand outside on a fire escape and look up at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "L-R: Allen Broyles, Josh Joplin...
Josh Smith
Blues guitarist and vocalist Josh Smith sits on a wooden bench with a slat back and seat and plays an electric guitar as he looks seriously at the camera. He wears a dark t-shirt. Printed in the...
Josh Smith
Blues guitarist and vocalist Josh Smith crouches down by a pallet of bags that are wrapped in plastic and looks seriously at the camera while holding an electric guitar, neck up, under his left arm...
Josh Smith
Blues guitarist and vocalist Josh Smith stand in front of a brick wall and smiles as he plays an electric guitar. He wears a cowboy hat and a shiny print vest over a dark-colored, long-sleeved shirt...
Josh Smith
Blues guitarist and vocalist Josh Smith rests his right arm on a large amplifier and speaker while he rests his left wrist on the body of an electric guitar and looks directly at the camera. He wears...
Joshua Breakstone
Jazz guitarist Joshua Breakstone looks straight at the photographer wearing clear-framed glasses, a suit jacket and a necktie. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Joshua Breakstone, Photo...
Joshua Redman
Jazz saxophonist Joshua Redman leans to the left in order to look at the camera from behind the neck of a saxophone. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Joshua Redman. WB [logo], c1996 Warner...
Joshua Redman
Jazz saxophonist Joshua Redman leans to the left in order to look at the camera from behind the neck of a saxophone. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Joshua Redman. The Jazz Tree, 648...
Josie Kreuzer
Rockabilly guitarist and vocalist Josie Kreuzer plays an acoustic guitar as she stands with one foot on a circular suitcase with a mobile record player on top of it. Record albums and covers lie on...
Joyce Cooling
Jazz guitarist and vocalist Joyce Cooling looks down at the neck of a guitar she is playing. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Heads Up International Ltd. PO Box 976, Lynnwood, Wa. 98046...
Jr. Medlow and the Bad Boys
Jr. Medlow and the Bad Boys, a blues and funk band comprised of five white men and one African American man. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Jr. Medlow and the Bad Boys. BBA Management...
Judy Mowatt
Jamaican reggae singer Judy Mowatt leans her head against a tree truck and smiles in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Half of her face is in the shadow of the trunk. Printed in the margin below the...
Judy Mowatt
Jamaican reggae singer Judy Mowatt tucks her hands in fists under her chin and smiles at the camera. She wears a headband of shells and dangle earrings.