James Peterson
Blues guitarist James Peterson stands outside playing an electric guitar with a big grin on his face. He wears a hat and a pinstripe, double-breasted suit jacket. Printed in the margin below the...
James Solberg
Blues guitarist and singer James Solberg looks at the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph wearing sunglasses, a fedora hat with a animal print headband, and a business suit jacket with a pair...
James Solberg
Blues guitarist and vocalist James Solberg in a close-up photograph, from below the edge of a stage, looks out as he plays an electric guitar. He wears a leather flat cap and a dark long-sleeved shirt...
James Solberg
Blues guitarist and vocalist James Solberg looks over his right shoulder and out from under the brim of his flat cap at the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the...
James Solberg
Blues guitarist and singer James Solberg smiles at the camera over his right shoulder and reaches out his right arm to snap his fingers. He wears a beret and hexagon sunglasses. Printed in the margin...
James VanBuren
James VanBuren, jazz singer, threads his fingers together and rests his chin on them as he grins at the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "James...
James VanBuren
James VanBuren, blues and jazz singer, holds his chin with his right hand and smiles at the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "James VanBuren."
Janis Ian
Pop vocalist and guitarist Janis Ian leans to the right and slants her eyes to look and smile at the camera. She hugs the body of a dark guitar upside down on her lap. Printed in the margin below the...
Jason D. Williams
Rock pianist and vocalist Jason D. Williams leans against a white wall with a large dark question mark painted on it. He bends his knee to rest his left foot on the wall. His hands are in his pockets...
Jason D. Williams
Rock pianist and vocalist Jason D. Williams stands and bends over a piano his is playing on stage; his hands are a blur. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Jason D. Williams. Personal...
Jason D. Williams
Rock pianist and vocalist Jason D. Williams stands on stage behind a microphone with his eyes closed and his mouth wide open. He wears a beige sweater and a fedora hat. Behind him is an unidentified...
Jason Ricci
Blues-rock harmonica player Jason Ricci closes his eyes and leans left as he blows into an amplified harmonica. He wears a derby hat. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Jason Ricci and New...
Jay Stulo
Jay Stulo, electric blues guitarist, closes his eyes and leans his head back as he plays an electric guitar on stage with blue and red stage lights behind him. Printed in the margin below the...
Jay Stulo
Blues guitarist Jay Stulo looks at the camera as he sits and holds an electric guitar straight up and down by the neck. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Jay Stulo & the Mighty Aces. Anvil...
Jay Stulo
Jay Stulo, an electric blues guitarist, looks at the camera as he sits in front of a backdrop and holds an electric blues guitar across his lap. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Jay Stulo...
Jazz Crusaders
Jazz Crusaders, a jazz group including Wayne Henderson and Wilton Felder, in a series of four photographs. The photograph on the left is Wayne Henderson standing with his arms spread as he wears a top...
Jeanette Harris
Jazz saxophonist Jeanette Harris hugs her saxophone to her right shoulder as she sits and smiles at the photographer. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Jeanette Harris. Management-Booking...
Jeanne Newhall
Jeanne Newhall, a jazz pianist and singer, leans her head back and looks over her left shoulder in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Jeanne Newhall."
Jeff Chaz "The Bourbon St. Bluesman"
Blues guitarist Jeff Chaz "The Bourbon St. Bluesman" smiles at the photographer as he wears a dark fedora, an animal print shirt, and holds an electric guitar up by his face. Printed in the margin...
Jeff Scheetz Band
Jeff Scheetz Band, a blues and rock band comprised of four white men, stand outside with woods behind them. One band member holds an electric guitar. The band member next to him wears a Blues hockey...
Jennyanykind, a rock band comprised of three white men, are on a wooden porch looking out at the rain. The Holland brothers are standing while Tom Royal sits on the porch in between them. Printed in...
Jennyanykind, a rock band comprised of three white men, who stand outside in front of Merritt's Store smoking cigarettes. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "L-R: Tom Royal (Bass), Michael...
Jeremy Lyons and the Deltabilly Boys
Jeremy Lyons and the Deltabilly Boys, a blues band comprised of three white men, stand out in the woods and smile as they look around. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Jeremy Lyons & the...
Jerry Giddens
Rock guitarist Jerry Giddens frowns as he leans against a stucco wall. A group of possibly Mexican Americans stand to his right. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Jerry Giddens. MRR [logo]...
Jerry Portnoy
Blues harmonica player Jerry Portnoy leans forward and rests his right elbow on his right knee and crosses his left hand holding a harmonica over his right arm. He wears a business suit. Printed in...