Gravy, an blues-rock band comprised of three white men, stand together and smile. The member farthest to the right smokes a cigarette. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Gravy. Kudzu Records...
Greg "Fingers" Taylor
Greg "Fingers" Taylor, blues harmonica player, leans his chin on his crossed arms that are resting on a table and smiles at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Greg "Fingers"...
Greg "Fingers" Taylor
Blues harmonica player Greg "Fingers" Taylor rests his elbows on a table and smiles at the camera as the fingers of his left hand are curled toward his face. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Greg Pasenko
Guitarist Greg Pasenko stands holding a guitar behind him so that only the neck of the guitar is visible in his right hand as he smiles at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Greg...
Greg Piccolo
Blues saxophonist Greg Piccolo holds up an electric guitar in his right hand and a saxophone in his left hand as he wears a dark headscarf with a wide headband. Printed in the margin below the...
Greg Piccolo
Blues saxophonist Greg Piccolo smiles as he wears an animal print headband and a sweater with horses and men on it. He wears a necklace with an African head sculpture. Printed on the upper left-hand...
The Groobees, an American rock group comprised of one white woman and four white men, stand in a room with rough brick walls and look up at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "The...
Groove Hogs
The Groove Hogs, a funk, jazz, soul and blues band comprised of ten white men, lie on a floor of alternating black and white square tiles, with their heads in a circle and a pair of a woman's legs and...
Groove Hogs
The Groove Hogs, a funk, jazz, soul, and blues band comprised of ten white men, stand on or in front of a porch of a slat wood building. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "The Groove Hogs...
Groovy Eyes
Groovy Eyes, a Finnish blues band comprised of four white men, stand in front of a lavender backdrop holding their instruments. A printed label in the margin below the photograph, "MX Blues...
Grover Washington, Jr.
Grover Washington, Jr., jazz saxophonist, leans back, closes his eyes, and blows into a saxophone.
Grover Washington, Jr.
Grover Washington, Jr., jazz saxophonist, holds a soprano saxophone across his body as he rests one foot up on a rung of a chair. He wears a checkered business suit jacket. Printed in the margin below...
Grupo Fantasma
Grupo Fantasma, a Latin funk group comprised of ten mostly Mexican American men and a few white men, stand and sit in front of Leal's Tire Shop which has a mural of a Mayan Indian across the wall...
Guitar Shorty
Blues guitarist Guitar Shorty stands in front of a painted brick wall, opens his mouth wide and turns his head to the left as he plays an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Guitar Shorty
Blues guitarist Guitar Shorty looks up and away from the camera as he plays an electric guitar that is inscribed with his name. He wears three lapel pins: "GS", an eighth note, and a guitar. There are...
Guitar Shorty
Blues guitarist Guitar Shorty leans against a vintage Chrysler sedan and smiles as he holds an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Black Top Records [logo], Black Top Records...
Guitar Shorty
Blues guitarist Guitar Shorty bends at the knees of his widespread legs and plays an electric guitar. He looks off to the right. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Black Top Records Paving...
Gun & Doll Show
Gun & Doll Show, a punk rock band comprised of one white man playing a guitar, and four white women cheerleaders with pom pons and military fatigue print costumes. Printed in the margin below the...
Guy Davis
Blues guitarist Guy Davis sits in the backseat of a car wearing a fedora and smiling down at the acoustic guitar taking up the rest of the seat. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Red House...
Guy Forsyth
Guy Forsyth, blues guitarist and singer, looks down and smiles in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Guy Forsyth." Printed in the right margin, "Photo: Mary...
Guy Forsyth
Blues guitarist and vocalist Guy Forsyth sits on a barstool and plays a resonator guitar. He wears suspenders and a tank top undershirt and pinstripe pants. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Hackberry Ramblers
The Hackberry Ramblers, a Cajun music band comprised of seven white men, stand on a porch with each of their right hands resting on the porch railing and each wearing a light colored cowboy hat...
Hadacol, a country band from Kansas City, Missouri comprised of four white men, stand with two in the front and two in the back all wearing short-sleeved shirts. All look serious but only one looks...
Hadacol, a country band from Kansas City, Missouri comprised of four white men, stand with two in the front and two in the back all wearing short-sleeved shirts. All look serious but only one looks...
Hadacol, a country band from Kansas City, Missouri comprised of four white men, stand in a group with a man in the back pointing a pistol at an apple another band member is putting on the head of the...