Dread Zeppelin
Dread Zeppelin, an impersonation band comprised of six white men, stand in a line, one behind the other with each head leaned out to look at the photographer, in full costume. Printed in the margin...
Dreams So Real
Dreams So Real, a rock band comprised of three white men, stand in front of carved stones and look at the photographer. They are likely standing in front of the Georgia Guidestones. Printed in the...
Dred I Dread
Dred I Dread, a ska band comprised of three African American men and two white men, stand in a group and look up at the photographer. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "DredIDread [logo]...
Drink Me
Drink Me, a band comprised of two white men, stand in a silly pose. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Drink Me. On Bar/None Records, P.O. Box 1704 Hoboken NJ 07030 Telephone: (201) 795-9424...
Drums and Tuba
Drums and Tuba, a experimental rock band comprised of three white men, in a three-way divided photograph of a portrait photograph of each member. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Drums &...
Duke Daniels
Duke Daniels, a band comprised of four white men and one African American man, stand on a sidewalk with a palm tree behind them. The drummer, Larry Aberman, sits to the side. Printed in the margin...
Duke Robillard
Blues guitarist and vocalist Duke Robillard stands between barstools and leans against the bar at The Old Absinthe House. He holds a guitar where the neck meets the body as the body of the guitar...
Duke Robillard
Blues guitarist and vocalist Duke Robillard stands in a doorway of tall, weathered louvered doors and rests his hands on the headstock of a guitar that the body rests by his feet on the porch in front...
Duke Robillard
Duke Robillard, blues guitarist and singer, smiles at the camera as he hugs a guitar that rests in his lap and up over his shoulder. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Duke Robillard...
Duke Robillard
Duke Robillard, blues guitarist and singer, smiles at the camera as he crosses his hands on the edge of the body of a guitar in a close-up photograph.
Duke Tumatoe
Blues guitarist and vocalist Duke Tumatoe in a black and white photograph with red colorization added to his shirt and name, stands with his hand clasped out in front of him and above the neck of an...
Duke Tumatoe
Blues guitarist and vocalist Duke Tumatoe stands on stage with his eyes closed as he play an electric guitar. Stage lighting and another musician are visible behind him. Printed in the margin below...
Duke Tumatoe
Blues guitarist and vocalist Duke Tumatoe sits on a vintage wooden Faygo beverage box and plays an electric guitar by holding the neck high by his face and looking at the neck. He wears high-top...
Duke Tumatoe and the Power Trio
Blues guitarist and vocalist Duke Tumatoe, of Duke Tumatoe and the Power Trio, stands on stage with his eyes closed as he play an electric guitar. Stage lighting and another musician are visible...
The Dusters, a blues-rock band comprised of three white men, sit and lean on traveling cases. One farthest to the left allows an electric guitar to hang from a shoulder strap. Another electric guitar...
Dusty 45s
Dusty 45's, a rock and roll band comprised of five white men, sit in a booth of a diner table smiling up at the photographer. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Printed in the margin below...
Dusty 45s
Dusty 45's, a rock and roll band comprised of five white men, stand in a 'V' formation with the trumpet player in the front holding a trumpet. They all wear jeans and four of the five have their hair...
Dwight Twilley
Rock vocalist Dwight Twilley stands in a circle of light on the left side of the photograph and looks seriously at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Dwight Twilley. Big Oak...
Dylan-Thomas Vance
Country music slide guitarist Dylan-Thomas Vance holds an acoustic guitar by the neck over his right shoulder and looks down the body of the guitar into the camera. Printed in the margin below the...
The Dynatones, a band comprised of two African American men, four white men, and one Latino man, stand on a set of stairs. One man holds an electric guitar and wears a fedora hat. A man in front holds...
E.C. Scott
E.C. Scott, blues singer, smiles at the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "E.C. Scott. Blind Pig Records."
Earfood, a band comprised of four white men, standing and sitting outdoors in a wooden fence. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Earfood. OmniGroove Records [logo], 11166 Burbank Blvd...
Ed "Duato" Scheer of The Love Dogs
Vocalist Ed Scheer leans his head back with his arm outstretched as he holds a vintage microphone to his mouth with his right hand and opens his mouth to sing. Printed in the margin below the...
Ed Hall
Ed Hall, an alt rock band comprised of three white men, are shirtless and covered in powder. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Trance Syndicate Records, P.O. Box 49771, Austin, TX 78765,...
Eddie 'House Rockin' Shaw
Eddie Shaw, blues saxophone player and singer, smiles at the camera as he stands and lifts his arms wide while holding a saxophone across his body with a neck strap. He wears a fedora hat with a...