ConFunkShun featuring Michael Cooper and Felton Pilate
A photograph of Con Funk Shun featuring Michael Cooper and Felton Pilate, a soul funk disco band. Five African American men stand in the back and two sit in the front. Five of the members wear...
The Congos, a Jamaican reggae band comprised of three men, stand together wearing long-sleeve denim shirts and jeans. Printed in the left margin in a blue crayon affect, "Congos."
Corey Glover
Rock vocalist Corey Glover covers his hair with both hands to display a ring on every finger of his left hand and on ring on his right. He looks seriously up at the photographer between his hands...
Corey Harris
Blues guitarist and vocalist Corey Harris looks to the camera from one side of the neck of a guitar. He holds the neck with both hands on which he wears a steel slide and rhythm rings. Printed in the...
Corey Stevens
Blues guitarist and vocalist Corey Stevens crouches down in front of a wooden fence with chipping paint and looks seriously at the camera. He holds an electric guitar between his legs. He wears a dark...
Corey Stevens
Blues guitarist and singer Corey Stevens shown from an angle from his feet up to his head, stands on stage playing an electric guitar. He wears a dark rimmed straw cowboy hat. Printed in the margin...
Corey Stevens
Blues guitarist and vocalist Corey Stevens smiles as he holds the neck of a resonator guitar up by his face in a close-up photograph. He wears a straw cowboy hat with a metal medallion on the hatband...
Corey Stevens
Blues guitarist and vocalist Corey Stevens smiles as he holds the neck of a red resonator guitar up by his face in a close-up photograph. He wears a straw cowboy hat with a metal medallion on the...
Cory Morrow
Country music singer Cory Morrow, from his right side, leans back on a porch wall as he sits in a diner chair and laughs as he looks at the camera.. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Cory...
Cotton Candy and So Many Men
Cotton Candy & So Many Men, a blues band from Kansas City comprised of one African American woman, one African American man, and four white men, sit on or in front of a tile wall in front of a...
Cotton Candy and So Many Men
Cotton Candy and So Many Men, is a blues ensemble comprised of one African American woman, six white men, and one African American man. Vocalist Cotton Candy sits between a drummer and a guitarist on...
Cotton Candy and So Many Men
Cotton Candy and So Many Men, is a blues ensemble comprised of one African American woman, six white men, and one African American man. Vocalist Cotton Candy sits between a drummer and a guitarist on...
Crablady, a roots-rock band comprised of three white men, stand outdoors among weeds. Two wear cowboy hats. Two wear sunglasses. All three wear bolo ties. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Craig Erickson
Blues guitarist and vocalist Craig Erickson sits on a bar stool with an electric guitar on his, a Rivera amplifier on the floor to his left and bongos on the floor to his right. Printed in the margin...
Craig Horton
Blues guitarist Craig Horton closes his eyes and looks down as he plays an electric guitar and sits behind a microphone on a tall stool. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Bad Daddy Records...
Crazy 8s
Crazy 8s, a rock band comprised of two African American men and five white men, stand in front of a wall of graffiti as if dancing. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Crazy 8s. Management...
Creole Junction
Creole Junction, a Zydeco band of five African American men, stand, sit and lie down with serious faces. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Creole Junction. For Bookings: 713-991-5397."
Creole Zydeco Farmers
Creole Zydeco Farmers, a zydeco band comprised of five African American men, stand in front of a brick wall holding their instruments. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "JS Records Recording...
Creole Zydeco Farmers Band
The Creole Zydeco Farmers Band, a zydeco band comprised of five African American men, stand in a group with the accordion player sitting in the center front. Printed in the margin below the photograph...
Critters Buggin
Critters Buggin, a jazz group comprised of three white men, stands in front of a cinder block wall wearing animal costumes with weapons and ammunition. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "(L...
Crying Rhinos
The Crying Rhinos, a local Kansas City punk rock band comprised of four white men, in a collage of four photographs of each band member playing an instrument. Printed in the margin below the...
Crying Rhinos
The Crying Rhinos, a local Kansas City punk rock band comprised of four white men, stand together in front of a backdrop. The three on the left look directly at the camera as the one furthest right...
Reggae guitarist and vocalist Cryout looks to the right as he plays a guitar over a hand drawn city and night sky background.
Reggae guitarist and vocalist Cryout looks down and to the right as he plays a guitar over the colors of the Jamaican flag. Printed across the bottom of the photograph, "Cryout, Reggae."
Reggae musician and vocalist Cryout plays guitar and congas at a festival. A white woman keyboardist is behind his left shoulder. A white male drummer is behind his right shoulder. A banner...