Dick Dale
Surf rock guitarist Dick Dale stands in a desert playing an electric guitar as he wears a black fringe leather jacket and black pants. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "High Desert. Dick...
Dick Dale, signed photograph
Surf rock guitarist Dick Dale stands in a desert playing an electric guitar wearing a black fringe leather jacket and black pants. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "High Desert. Dick Dale...
Don Leady, guitarist of the LeRoi Brothers, performing
Don Leady, guitarist of the LeRoi Brothers rock band, stands behind a microphone and plays an electric guitar while performing.
Duke Robillard
Blues guitarist Duke Robillard looks up toward light as he wears sunglasses, a fedora hat, and a vest over a long-sleeved shirt. He rests a Gibson Explorer guitar up and down on the back of a chair...
Duke Tumatoe
Blues guitarist and vocalist Duke Tumatoe in a black and white photograph with red colorization added to his shirt and name, stands with his hand clasped out in front of him and above the neck of an...
Evan Dease
Evan Dease holds a guitar across his body as he smiles at the photographer. He wears a black leather jacket. Gold glitter is contained or reflected in the glass behind him.
Ghostwriter, possibly Steve Schecter, blues guitarist, stands on stage singing into a microphone and playing an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Ghostwriter. Booking...
Hank Williams III
Hank Williams III, country rock guitar player and singer, turns his head slightly right to look at the camera from under the brim of a black cowboy hat with a red and black braided hatband in a close...
Hank Williams III
Hank Williams III, a country rock American male guitar player and singer, smiles and he leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees as he sits on cement stairs outside closed businesses. He wears a...
Heather Myles
Heather Myles, country singer and guitarist, leans on a porch post with her right arm and her right hand above her head resting on the post and hooks the thumb of her left hand in her belt as she...
Jason D. Williams
Rock pianist and vocalist Jason D. Williams stands on stage behind a microphone with his eyes closed and his mouth wide open. He wears a beige sweater and a fedora hat. Behind him is an unidentified...
Jay Stulo
Jay Stulo, electric blues guitarist, closes his eyes and leans his head back as he plays an electric guitar on stage with blue and red stage lights behind him. Printed in the margin below the...
Jonny Lang
Jonny Lang, blues, gospel, and rock guitarist and vocalist, closes his eyes as he sings into a microphone he holds in his left hand. A guitar, mostly out of the picture, hangs from a strap around his...
Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials performing during toga night aboard Ultimate Rhythm and Blues Cruise II
Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials, two members of the blues band, one African American man and the other a white man, perform on stage of the cruise ship during toga night aboard the Ultimate Rhythm and...
Mahotella Queens and the band
The Mahotella Queens are three black South African female mbaqanga musicians in traditional clothing, dance on the Grand Emporium stage performing for an audience whose backs of their heads are in the...
Mark Whitfield
Mark Whitfield, jazz guitarist, hunches over and looks down at a jazz guitar he is playing in a close-up photograph. A recording microphone hangs down by the strings of the guitar in front of a brick...
Matt 'Guitar' Murphy
Matt 'Guitar' Murphy, blues guitarist, hugs an electric guitar to his body as he turns his head to the right to smile at the camera in a close-up photograph. He wears a blue shirt with a red collar...
Matt 'Guitar' Murphy
Blues guitarist Matt 'Guitar' Murphy smiles directly at the camera as he holds an electric guitar upright on his lap. He wears a McKenna's Omaha Blues, Booze & BBQ ball cap. Printed in the margin...
Matt 'Guitar' Murphy and Speedy Huggins performing on the Ultimate Rhythm & Blues Cruise II
Blues guitarist Matt 'Guitar' Murphy turns his head away from the camera as he speaks into the microphone and speaks to dancer Speedy Huggins who stands behind and beside Guitar Murphy. An...
Mieka Pauley
Rock vocalist and guitarist Mieka Pauley sits in front of a wall with peeling paint and rests her right elbow over the back corner of a chair she is sitting in as she looks directly at the camera in a...
Mike Reilly with several other performers
Blues-rock guitarist Mike Reilly in a montage of color photographs with people he has appeared with. The upper left-hand photograph is Mike Reilly, Alan Blazek, and Elvin Bishop. The center-left...
Pascal Bokar
Pascal Bokar, a French African man who plays AfroBlueGrazz music, smiles as he holds a guitar. He wears blue traditional African clothing.
Peter Mayer
Folk-rock guitarist and vocalist Peter Mayer leans on a part rock, part stucco wall and smiles at the camera as he plays an acoustic guitar. He wears a black sleeveless shirt. Printed in the margin...
Popa Chubby
Blues musician Popa Chubby in a laminated out of focus photograph of him holding a guitar and possibly a woman on each side of him.. Printed on the bottom of the photograph, "Popa Chubby All Access."...
Ronnie Dawson
Ronnie Dawson, rockabilly singer, guitarist and drummer, stands with one hand in his pocket and the other cradling an electric guitar. He wears a three-quarter sleeve black shirt with a line of leaves...