Albert Collins
Albert Collins, blues guitarist, leans to the left, closes his eyes, and grimaces as he holds his guitar with one hand on the neck and spreads his other arm out wide. He wears a leather jacket with...
Albert King - Brownie McGhee
In the photograph on the left blues guitarist and vocalist Albert King grins as he crosses his arms over his chest and gives a thumbs up from each hand. He wears a business suit, a fedora hat, and...
Artie White
Artie White, blues singer, places the thumb of his left hand into his skin behind his chin as he smiles at the camera in a close-up, head-shot negative photograph. He wears a bowtie and a diamond ring...
Hubert Sumlin
Hubert Sumlin, blues guitarist, hugs the neck of a guitar to the side of his face and smiles in a close-up, head-shot photograph. He wears a fedora hat, a pinstripe business suit jacket, and dotted...
Lazy Lester
Blues harmonica player Lazy Lester. He leans his right elbow on a railing and holds a harmonica in his right hand. He support his head with his left hand as he smiles at the camera. He wears a...
Otis Rush - Mighty Flyers
A split photograph of the band Mighty Flyers on the left and Otis Rush on the right. The Mighty Flyers, a blues band comprised of one white woman sitting on a traveling case hugging an animal print...
Valerie Wellington - Eddy Clearwater
Two separate negative photographs of blues singer Valerie Wellington and blues guitarist and vocalist Eddy Clearwater. Valerie's photograph is a close-up, head-shot photograph of her singing into a...