Bucky Pizzarelli, Claude "Fiddler" Williams, and Keter Betts perform at the White House
Bucky Pizzarelli, jazz guitar, looks up at Claude "Fiddler" Williams as he sits and plays jazz guitar. He is partially obscured by a monitor on the edge of the stage. Claude stands at the microphone...
Bucky Pizzarelli, Claude "Fiddler" Williams, and Keter Betts perform at the White House
Bucky Pizzarelli, jazz guitar, is partially obscured by a monitor on the edge of the stage, as he sits and looks down at his guitar and performs with Claude "Fiddler" Williams, fiddle, and Keter Betts...
Bucky Pizzarelli, Claude "Fiddler" Williams, and Keter Betts perform at the White House
Bucky Pizzarelli, jazz guitar, is partially obscured by a monitor on the edge of the stage, as he sits, smiles toward Claude, and performs with Claude "Fiddler" Williams, fiddle, and Keter Betts...
Bucky Pizzarelli, Claude "Fiddler" Williams, and Keter Betts perform at the White House
Bucky Pizzarelli, jazz guitar, is partially obscured by a monitor on the edge of the stage, as he sits and performs with Claude "Fiddler" Williams, fiddle, and Keter Betts, double bass. Claude stands...
Bucky Pizzarelli, Claude "Fiddler" Williams, and Keter Betts perform at the White House
Bucky Pizzarelli crosses his legs as he sits and plays jazz guitar. He looks to his left at the other two on the stage play. Claude "Fiddler" Williams is standing center stage with his back to the...
Bucky Pizzarelli, Claude "Fiddler" Williams, and Keter Betts perform at the White House
Bucky Pizzarelli, jazz guitar, is partially obscured by a monitor on the edge of the stage, as he sits and performs with Claude "Fiddler" Williams, fiddle, and Keter Betts, double bass. Claude stands...
Bucky Pizzarelli, Claude "Fiddler" Williams, and Keter Betts perform at the White House
Bucky Pizzarelli, jazz guitar, is partially obscured by a monitor on the edge of the stage, as he sits and performs with Claude "Fiddler" Williams, fiddle, and Keter Betts, double bass. They are...
Charlie Gabriel and Claude "Fiddler" Williams smile off to the left
Charlie Gabriel and Claude "Fiddler" Williams stand together smiling off to the left side of the photograph in an auditorium in a school. Bill's saxophone hangs from his neck by the strap and Claude...
Charlie Gabriel grabs the hand of Claude "Fiddler" Williams
Charlie Gabriel holds his saxophone with his right hand as he grabs the right hand of Claude "Fiddler" Williams with his left hand. Charlie turns his head to smile at the camera as Claude looks...
Clark Terry, Claude "Fiddler" Williams, Buddy Tate, and others perform at the Monterey Jazz Festival
Clark Terry, flugelhorn, Claude "Fiddler" Williams, fiddle, Buddy Tate, saxophone, and others including a drummer and a trombone player, perform at the Monterey Jazz Festival to a crowded venue.
Claude "Fiddler" Williams and a fiddle student
Claude "Fiddler" Williams smiles and leans to the center of the couch toward an African American boy fiddle student sitting next to him. The student is holding his fiddle and bow in playing position...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams and Blanche Williams stand on either side of A. Spencer Barefield IV
Claude "Fiddler" Williams and Blanche Williams stand on either side of 14-year-old A. Spencer Barefield IV. The tops of their heads are out of the top of the photograph but their smiles can be seen as...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams and Buddy Tate head into the Monterey Jazz Festival
Buddy Tate, wearing a brown and white large checked sports jacket and holding his saxophone in a case, looks to his left at Claude "Fiddler" Williams and points the other way from the direction they...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams and Buddy Tate head into the Monterey Jazz Festival
Buddy Tate sits next to Claude "Fiddler" Williams at a restaurant table and grin at the camera.
Claude "Fiddler" Williams and Charlie Gabriel smile for the camera
In a blurred photograph, Charlie Gabriel and Claude "Fiddler" Williams lean towards each other and smile as they stand together in an auditorium of a school. The jazz guitarist, Spencer Barefield, has...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams and Keter Betts perform at the White House
From the floor in front of the stage, Claude "Fiddler" Williams smiles as he plays his fiddle next to Keter Betts, double bass, who is in the dark. They are performing at the White House in Washington...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams and others performing
Claude "Fiddler" Williams is playing his fiddle on the farthest right-hand side of the photograph. Spencer Barefield, jazz guitarist, Marcus Belgrave, trumpet player, Dan Pliskow, double bassist...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams and Richard Ross perform at the Levee
Claude "Fiddler" Williams smiles as he stands and plucks his fiddle beside Richard Ross, who is singing into a microphone at the Levee Bar & Grill on 43rd Street in Kansas City, Missouri. A drum set...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams and the guitarist smile at each other as the trio performs
Claude "Fiddler" Williams stands sideways on stage smiling at a seated white male guitarist who looks up at Claude with a big grin as he plays his guitar. A white female double bass player with her...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams and Todd Bolton
Todd Bolton smiles and stands by the seated Claude "Fiddler" Williams. Claude turns his head to the right to smile at the camera. Claude's violin case is open on the table in front him. There are...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams and Todd Bolton get ready to perform
Todd Bolton smiles and stands by the seated Claude "Fiddler" Williams. Claude turns his head to the right to smile at the camera. Claude's violin case is open on the table in front him. There are...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams at the Levee, sitting with his wife, Blanche
Claude "Fiddler" Williams takes a break from performing at the Levee Bar & Grill on 43rd Street in Kansas City, Missouri, by sitting at a table with his wife, Blanche Williams. He smiles at the camera...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams bends slightly as he plays his fiddle at the Merging Generations Concert
Claude "Fiddler" Williams bends slightly and smiles slightly as he stands on stage and looks down at the body of his fiddle as he draws the bow across the strings during the Merging Generations...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams bows
Claude "Fiddler" Williams bows as he holds his fiddle by the neck in his left hand and holds his bow in his right hand. An audience member, seated on the right side of the photograph, smiles toward...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams closes his eyes as he leans and plays his fiddle
Claude "Fiddler" Williams stands and bends slightly to the right as he plays his fiddle between a chair and a microphone in front of drapes. His eyes are closed. He wears a double-breasted, pinstripe...