Claude "Fiddler" Williams, on the right side of the photograph stands sideways to the audience to look back at Dan Pliskow, double bassist, and the guitarist, Spencer Barefield, as Claude plays his...
Dan Pliskow and Spencer Barefield perform in a barista bar
Dan Pliskow, double bass, sits on a tall stool and plucks the string of his bass as he sits next to a baby grand piano that has no lid in a barista bar, Columbine's Champagne Cellar at the Harlequin...
Dan Pliskow speaks with Spencer Barefield and Claude "Fiddler" Williams
The double bass player, Dan Pliskow's, back is to the camera as he speaks with Spencer Barefield, the jazz guitarist. Claude "Fiddler" Williams listens with his hands in his pockets and his fedora hat...
Eddie Higgins and Claude "Fiddler" Williams play as the rest of the Statemen of Jazz listen
The Statesmen of Jazz perform on stage in Boca Raton, Florida on May 16, 2000. The date, "5 16 '00"," is imprinted on the lower right-hand of the photograph by the camera. Eddie Higgins looks down at...
Eddie Saunders and Claude Williams pause to smile for the camera
Eddie Saunders, saxophonist, and Claude "Fiddler" Williams stand in the lobby of an art gallery and smile at the camera. Eddie's left arm is around the shoulders of Claude as they shake hands. Claude...
Eddie Saunders is surprised by Lisa Henry as Ida McBeth looks on
Eddie Saunders, holding a saxophone, opens his mouth in surprise at Lisa Henry, jazz singer, who is mostly obscured by Ida McBeth, jazz singer. Ida sits on a tall stool looking away from the camera...
Fiddler, mandolin player, and a guitar player perform on stage
A fiddler, a mandolin player wearing a cowboy hat, and a guitar player, stand on a stage behind microphones and perform. A keyboard and a blue drum set are behind them on stage. The backs of the heads...
Five string performers play with Claude "Fiddler" Williams
A group of five white men and one woman string players join Claude "Fiddler" Williams on stage in a performance. Two fiddler players stand to the left side of the photograph. A guitarist sits next to...
Frank Smith, Jerry Leonard, and Claude "Fiddler" Williams perform at JJ's Restaurant
In a photograph up from the floor in front of the stage at JJ's Restaurant, 910 West 48th Street in Kansas City, Missouri, to the stage, Frank Smith, on the left side of the photograph, sits behind a...
From the side of the stage, Claude "Fiddler" Williams bends toward and enthusiastic audience
In a photograph from the side of the stage, at the Levee Bar & Grill on 43rd Street in Kansas City, Missouri, Claude "Fiddler" Williams bends toward the audience on the edge of the stage playing his...
Host speaks into a microphone at the Statesmen of Jazz concert in Boca Raton, Florida
A host wearing a captain's hat, smiles and speaks into a microphone that he holds in his right hand as he stands in the center of the stage for the Statesmen of Jazz performance in Boca Raton, Florida...
Ida McBeth and Lisa Henry watch the band play
Claude "Fiddler" Williams, slightly bends his knees as he stands and looks down at the fiddle he is playing with his bow. He wears a fedora hat. Lisa Henry and Ida McBeth, jazz singers, sit on tall...
Ida McBeth sings with the band in the festival tent
Ida McBeth closes her eyes and lifts her head as she sits on a tall stool and sings into a microphone she holds with her right hand. She expressively holds the fingers of her left hand up to the sky...
Ida McBeth sings with the band in the festival tent
Ida McBeth lifts her head and sings into a microphone she holds in her left hand as she sits on a tall stool in a tent with open sides. Claude "Fiddler" Williams sits behind her looking down at and...
Illinois Jacquet and Claude "Fiddler" Williams get reacquainted
Illinois Jacquet and Claude "Fiddler" Williams laugh as they shake hands and turn to face the camera on stage, most likely at the Kansas City Blues & Jazz Fest rehearsal. Claude wears a ball cap from...
Illinois Jacquet and Claude "Fiddler" Williams shake hands
Illinois Jacquet and Claude "Fiddler" Williams laugh as they shake hands and turn to face the camera on stage, most likely at the Kansas City Blues & Jazz Fest rehearsal. Claude wears a ball cap from...
Joe Cartwright leans over the keyboard as he performs with a band at the Levee
Joe Cartwright, keyboard player, leans over the keys and looks to his right as he performs at the Levee Bar & Grill, 43rd Street, Kansas City, Missouri. Claude "Fiddler" Williams stands on the right...
Joe Wilder and Claude "Fiddler" Williams prepare to perform for the Count Basie Society
Joe Wilder looks down or closes his eyes as he sits on a coffee table holding his trumpet between his knees with both hands. He faces Claude "Fiddler" Williams who sits on a couch playing his fiddle...
Lisa Henry and Ida McBeth watch the band play
Ida McBeth, jazz singer, sits on a tall stool sideways to the camera and looks back at the band performing in a tent with open sides. Lisa Henry sits behind Ida, mostly obscured by Ida, and is mostly...
Lisa Henry and the band perform
Eddie Saunders sits and plays a baritone saxophone while Tyrone Clark stands and plays double bass and Chris Clarke sits plays the keyboard. Tyrone and Chris are mostly out of the right side of the...
Lisa Henry sings as Eddie Saunders and Ida McBeth look at each other
Lisa Henry, jazz singer, closes her eyes and grins as she sings into a microphone she holds in her right hand. Ida McBeth, jazz singer, sits on a tall stool and looks away from the camera to look at...
Marcus Belgrave and Claude "Fiddler" Williams have a cheerful greeting
Marcus Belgrave, trumpet, laughs as he put his left arm around the shoulders of Claude "Fiddler" Williams, who is also laughing as they stand just inside the open doorway. Both wear fedoras and...
Marcus Belgrave causes Claude "Fiddler" Williams to laugh
Claude "Fiddler" Williams laughs as he holds his fiddle and bow in his left hand and stands next to Marcus Belgrave. Marcus has his hand on Claude's shoulder and is laughing as he talks or sings with...
Marcus Belgrave uses the microphone as most of the band plays
Marcus Belgrave, trumpet, points at the audience that is not in the photograph and speaks or sings into a microphone he holds with his other hand. Meanwhile, Dan Pliskow, the double bass player...
Marcus Belgrave, Charlie Gabriel, and Claude "Fiddler" Williams
Marcus Belgrave, holding a trumpet, and Bill Ensley, saxophonist, wearing bowler hats and burgundy vests, stand on either side of Claude "Fiddler" Williams in a dressing room and all smile at the...